
Experts Share: What Are the Main Crypto Conclusions of 2022

\"Chanpeng<\/p>\n\due north

There is a growing amount of governments across the globe examining blockchain and cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins, too every bit cocky-regulated and global regulatory standards, which indicate more widespread public adoption. I recall in 2022 nosotros will see dissimilar experiments tried by many dissimilar governments around the globe for adoption, some will work, some may not, but overall, they will have a tremendously positive event for crypto adoption.<\/p>\northward\northward\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:39:58","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":eight,"translations":{"id":959,"explained_post_id":966,"title_en":"Changpeng "CZ" Zhao, Founder and CEO of Binance","content_en":"


There is a growing amount of governments across the world examining blockchain and cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins, as well as self-regulated and global regulatory standards, which indicate more widespread public adoption. I call back in 2022 we will see dissimilar experiments tried by many different governments around the globe for adoption, some volition work, some may not, but overall, they volition take a tremendously positive effect for crypto adoption.<\/p>\n\n\n\due north\n\north\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\northward","title_es":"Changpeng "CZ" Zhao, Fundador y CEO de Binance","content_es":"


Cada vez hay m&aacute;s gobiernos en todo el mundo que examinan la cadena de bloques y las criptomonedas, incluidas las stablecoins, every bit&iacute; como las normas reglamentarias autorreguladas y globales, que indican una adopci&oacute;n p&uacute;blica m&aacute;s generalizada. Creo que en 2022 veremos diferentes experimentos probados por muchos gobiernos diferentes alrededor del mundo para la adopci&oacute;n, algunos funcionar&aacute;n, otros no, pero en full general, tendr&aacute;n un efecto tremendamente positivo para la adopci&oacute;n del cripto.<\/p>\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\north\due north\northward","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\due north\northward\n\north\north\due north\n\due north\n\due north\due north\n\north\n\n\due north\n\n","title_de":"Changpeng "CZ" Zhao, Gründer und CEO von Binance","content_de":"


Immer mehr Regierungen auf der Welt besch&auml;ftigen sich mittlerweile mit Blockchain und Kryptow&auml;hrungen, darunter ganz speziell auch mit Themen wie Stablecoins, Selbstregulierung und globalen rechtlichen Standards, was darauf hindeutet, dass die breite Annahme zunehmend erreicht wird. Ich denke, dass wir im Jahr 2022 von den Regierungen viele verschiedene Herangehensweisen sehen werden, wovon einige klappen werden und einige nicht, aber insgesamt werden sie einen sehr positiven Effekt auf die breite Annahme von Kryptow&auml;hrungen haben.<\/p>\north\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward","title_it":"","content_it":"\north\due north\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\north\n\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\northward\n\n\n\due north\north\n\due north\n\due north\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\northward\north\northward\n\n\due north\n\n\north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:39:58","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\north\northward\n\n\north\n\northward\north\due north\north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\north\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\n"}},{"id":967,"post_id":37592,"championship":"Alejandro De La Torre, Vice president at Poolin","content":"


2019 was a year of mining. The hashpower steadily increased throughout the yr to accomplish an all-time loftier of 100 exahashes, a record for Bitcoin. The hashpower increased even though the price fluctuated wildly and was bearish in general. This shows me that crypto, and more specifically Bitcoin, is here to stay. The confidence the mining ecosystem showed regardless of the toll is an extremely good sign for the Bitcoin cryptocurrency industry for futurity years. It points to the fact that these people mining believe in Bitcoin and its potential. Another huge impression of 2022 for me was the advent of multiple upgrades to the mining protocol, namely Stratum v1. Keep in mind that Stratum v1 has non been updated for basically the whole entire time pool mining becomes a matter. The great brains behind Braiins (pun intended) adult and launched Stratum v2. An important step for further decentralization of the mining procedure. Additionally, other mining pools like the one I currently piece of work at, Poolin, are also developing a new mining protocol likewise furthering decentralization. Poolin calls it Bitcoin Universal Mining Protocol, or BUMP, for short. Data on our open-source protocol volition exist released in 2022.<\/p>\northward\n\n\n\n\north\n\north\n\north\north\n\north\n\due north\n\due north\northward\n\due north\due north\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:twoscore:55","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":9,"translations":{"id":960,"explained_post_id":967,"title_en":"Alejandro De La Torre, Vice president at Poolin","content_en":"

\"Alejandro<\/p>\n\due north

2019 was a yr of mining. The hashpower steadily increased throughout the yr to attain an all-time high of 100 exahashes, a record for Bitcoin. The hashpower increased even though the price fluctuated wildly and was bearish in general. This shows me that crypto, and more specifically Bitcoin, is hither to stay. The confidence the mining ecosystem showed regardless of the price is an extremely good sign for the Bitcoin cryptocurrency manufacture for future years. It points to the fact that these people mining believe in Bitcoin and its potential. Some other huge impression of 2022 for me was the advent of multiple upgrades to the mining protocol, namely Stratum v1. Go along in heed that Stratum v1 has non been updated for basically the whole entire time pool mining becomes a thing. The great brains behind Braiins (pun intended) developed and launched Stratum v2. An important step for further decentralization of the mining process. Additionally, other mining pools like the one I currently work at, Poolin, are also developing a new mining protocol also furthering decentralization. Poolin calls information technology Bitcoin Universal Mining Protocol, or BUMP, for short. Information on our open-source protocol will be released in 2022.<\/p>\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\due north\n\northward\due north\n\n\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\due north\north","title_es":"Alejandro De La Torre, Vice presidente de Poolin","content_es":"


El 2022 fue united nations a&ntilde;o de miner&iacute;a. La potencia se increment&oacute; constantemente durante el a&ntilde;o hasta alcanzar un m&aacute;ximo hist&oacute;rico de 100 exahashes, un r&eacute;cord para Bitcoin. La potencia se increment&oacute; a pesar de que el precio fluctu&oacute; salvajemente y fue bajista en general. Esto me muestra que el cripto, y thousand&aacute;s espec&iacute;ficamente Bitcoin, est&aacute; aqu&iacute; para quedarse. La confianza que el ecosistema minero mostr&oacute; independientemente del precio es una se&ntilde;al extremadamente buena para la industria de criptomoneda para los a&ntilde;os futuros. Se&ntilde;ala el hecho de que esta gente que trabaja en la miner&iacute;a cree en Bitcoin y en su potencial. Otra gran impresi&oacute;n de 2022 para m&iacute; fue la llegada de m&uacute;ltiples actualizaciones al protocolo de miner&iacute;a, a saber, Stratum v1. Tenga en cuenta que Stratum v1 no ha sido actualizado. Los grandes cerebros que est&aacute;north detr&aacute;s de Braiins (con la intenci&oacute;north de hacer un juego de palabras) desarrollaron y lanzaron Stratum v2. Un paso importante para una mayor descentralizaci&oacute;north del proceso de miner&iacute;a. Adicionalmente, otros pools de miner&iacute;a como el que yo trabajo actualmente, Poolin, tambi&eacute;due north est&aacute;n desarrollando united nations nuevo protocolo minero que tambi&eacute;n promueve la descentralizaci&oacute;n. Poolin lo llama el Protocolo Minero Universal de Bitcoin, o BUMP, para abreviar. La informaci&oacute;n sobre nuestro protocolo de c&oacute;digo abierto se publicar&aacute; en 2022.<\/p>\northward\n\northward\n\n\n\due north\n\north\n\n\n\north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\northward\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n","title_de":"Alejandro De La Torre, Vizepräsident von Poolin","content_de":"


2019 state of war das Jahr des Krypto-Minings. Die Hashrate ist &uuml;ber das ganze Jahr stetig gestiegen und hat f&uuml;r Bitcoin ein bisheriges Rekordhoch von 100 Exahashes erreicht. Bemerkenswert ist, dass die Hashpower trotz schwankender und &uuml;berwiegend schwacher Kurse gestiegen ist. Daran k&ouml;nnen wir ablesen, dass Kryptow&auml;hrungen, allen voran Bitcoin, gekommen sind, um zu bleiben. Dice Standfestigkeit, die die Mining-Branche trotz schwacher Kurse gezeigt hat, ist ein extrem gutes Zeichen f&uuml;r Bitcoin und dice gesamte Krypto-Industrie. Die Miner sind as well fest vom Potenzial von Bitcoin &uuml;berzeugt. Ein weiterer wichtiger Fortschritt des Jahres 2022 war f&uuml;r mich die Weiterentwicklung des Mining-Protokolls stratum v1, besonders wenn human bedenkt, dass stratum v1 praktisch noch nie weiterentwickelt wurde, seit es Mining-Pools gibt. Jetzt wurde endlich stratum v2 herausgebracht. Dies war ein sehr wichtiger Schritt f&uuml;r die weitere Dezentralisierung des Minings. Andere Mining-Pools, wie zum Beispiel Poolin, bei dem ich arbeite, entwickeln ebenfalls neue Protokolle, um die Dezentralisierung voranzutreiben. Poolin nennt sein Protokoll Bitcoin Universal Mining Protocoll bzw. BUMP.&nbsp;Weitere Informationen dazu gibt es 2022.<\/p>\north\n\due north\n\n\due north\n\n\n\north","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\due north\due north\n\n\due north\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\due north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\due north\north\n\northward\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\north\north\n\n\n\northward\northward","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\due north\n\northward\north\n\due north\due north\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\north\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\north\north\due north\n\due north\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n\north\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:xl:55","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\northward\n\due north\n\northward\n\northward\n\n\n\due north\n\north\n\n\due north\northward\northward\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\northward\north\n\due north\n\n\northward"}},{"id":968,"post_id":37592,"title":"John deVadoss, Head of development at Neo","content":"

\"John<\/p>\due north\north

2019 was the year that kept crypto and blockchain in the headlines of the mainstream media. It was no more a question of what or why &mdash; it became a question of when cryptocurrencies would gain prominence, and potentially lead the way.<\/p>\n\northward

Three big milestones happened this year.<\/p>\n\n

In July, Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, gave testimony almost the Libra project before the Senate Banking Committee. For the first time, elected officials in the U.South. had an opportunity to understand the implications of cryptocurrencies, and the need to residuum financial innovation in a &ldquo;safe and sound way,&rdquo; as he phrased it.<\/p>\n\n

In October, President Xi Jinping publicly encouraged China to &ldquo;accelerate the development of blockchain and industrial innovation.&rdquo; This was a remarkable indicator: a message dissimilar 1 from any other leader on the global stage and that has since catalyzed an extraordinary wave of investment and innovation.<\/p>\north\n

And only earlier this week, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), which serves as the central banking concern for central banks, initiated dialogue to formulate a crypto asset policy for banks worldwide. The BIS wants to design &ldquo;a prudential treatment for banks' crypto-asset exposures,&rdquo; equally they phrased it.<\/p>\n\n

Collectively, these are a sign of the extraordinary times that we live in.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\north\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\northward\n\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:41:52","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":10,"translations":{"id":961,"explained_post_id":968,"title_en":"John deVadoss, Head of development at Neo","content_en":"


2019 was the yr that kept crypto and blockchain in the headlines of the mainstream media. It was no more a question of what or why &mdash; it became a question of when cryptocurrencies would gain prominence, and potentially lead the way.<\/p>\north\n

Three big milestones happened this twelvemonth.<\/p>\north\n

In July, Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, gave testimony most the Libra project before the Senate Cyberbanking Committee. For the first time, elected officials in the U.Due south. had an opportunity to understand the implications of cryptocurrencies, and the need to rest financial innovation in a &ldquo;safe and sound way,&rdquo; as he phrased information technology.<\/p>\due north\n

In October, President Xi Jinping publicly encouraged China to &ldquo;advance the development of blockchain and industrial innovation.&rdquo; This was a remarkable indicator: a message unlike i from any other leader on the global stage and that has since catalyzed an boggling wave of investment and innovation.<\/p>\n\n

And just before this calendar week, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), which serves as the key banking concern for primal banks, initiated dialogue to formulate a crypto asset policy for banks worldwide. The BIS wants to blueprint &ldquo;a prudential treatment for banks' crypto-asset exposures,&rdquo; equally they phrased it.<\/p>\n\n

Collectively, these are a sign of the extraordinary times that nosotros live in.<\/p>\n\n\n\northward\n\northward\n\northward\north\due north\north\northward\north\northward\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n","title_es":"John deVadoss, Jefe de desarrollo de Neo","content_es":"


2019 fue el a&ntilde;o que mantuvo al cripto y la cadena de bloques en los titulares de los principales medios de comunicaci&oacute;n. Ya no se trataba de una cuesti&oacute;n de qu&eacute; o por qu&eacute;,se convirti&oacute; en una cuesti&oacute;n de cu&aacute;ndo las criptomonedas ganar&iacute;an prominencia, y potencialmente marcar&iacute;an el camino.<\/p>\northward\n

Tres grandes hitos ocurrieron este a&ntilde;o.<\/p>\due north\northward

En julio, Jerome Powell, el presidente de la Reserva Federal, dio testimonio sobre el proyecto Libra dues el Comit&eacute; Bancario del Senado. Por primera vez, los funcionarios electos en Estados Unidos tuvieron la oportunidad de comprender las implicaciones de las criptomonedas y la necesidad de equilibrar la innovaci&oacute;n financiera de una manera \"segura y due south&oacute;lida\", seg&uacute;due north sus palabras.<\/p>\northward\n

En octubre, el Presidente Eleven Jinping alent&oacute; p&uacute;blicamente a Prc a \"acelerar el desarrollo de la cadena de bloques y la innovaci&oacute;north industrial\". Este fue un indicador notable: un mensaje diferente al de cualquier otro fifty&iacute;der en el escenario global y que desde entonces ha catalizado una extraordinaria ola de inversi&oacute;n due east innovaci&oacute;n.<\/p>\northward\n

Y a principios de esta semana, el Banco de Pagos Internacionales (BPI), que sirve como banco central para los bancos centrales, inici&oacute; el di&aacute;logo para formular una pol&iacute;tica de criptoactivos para los bancos de todo el mundo. El BIP quiere dise&ntilde;ar \"united nations tratamiento prudencial para las exposiciones de criptoactivos de los bancos\", como ellos lo expresaron.<\/p>\northward\n

En conjunto, son un signo de los tiempos extraordinarios que vivimos.<\/p>\north\due north\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\due north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\n\northward\due north\north\northward\due north\n\north\n\north\northward\n\n\due north\north\due north\n","title_de":"John deVadoss, Leiter der Entwicklung bei NEO","content_de":"


2019 war das Jahr, in dem sich Krypto und Blockchain in den Schlagzeilen der Massenmedien etablieren konnten. Es ging nicht 50&auml;nger um das Was oder Warum, sondern vielmehr um das Wann.<\/p>\n\n

Drei gro&szlig;eastward Meilensteine konnten dieses Jahr erreicht werden.<\/p>\n\n

Im Juli hat Jerome Powell, der Chef der Usa-Zentralbank, vor dem parlamentarischen Bankenausschuss zu Facebook-Libra Stellung bezogen. Dadurch ist den amerikanischen Parlamentariern erstmals deutlich gemacht worden, welche Implikationen mit Kryptow&auml;hrungen einhergehen und dass diese Innovation &bdquo;mit Sinn und Verstad&ldquo; ausbalanciert werden muss.<\/p>\northward\n

Im Oktober hat Pr&auml;sident Xi Jinping Prc dazu aufgefordert, &bdquo;die Entwicklung von Blockchain voranzutreiben&ldquo;. Dies war ein bedeutender Schritt, da noch kein f&uuml;hrender Politiker der Welt dies bisher so klar formuliert hat. Dem folgte eine au&szlig;erordentliche Welle an Investitionen und Innovationen.<\/p>\due north\due north

Und Ende des Jahres hat die Bank f&uuml;r Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich (BIZ), also die Zentralbank der Zentralbanken, einen Dialog initiiert, der die weltweite Strategie der Banken im Umgang mit Krypto-Verm&ouml;genswerten ausloten soll. Daraus will dice BIZ dann Richtlinien f&uuml;r den Umgang mit Krypto ableiten.&nbsp;<\/p>\n\n

Zusammengenommen zeigen diese Entwicklungen, in was f&uuml;r spannenden Zeiten wir leben.<\/p>\north\due north\n\n\n\n\due north\n\north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\due north\northward\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\north\north\n\n\north\northward\n\due north\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\due north\n\n\northward\n\due north\n\n\due north\northward\n\n\n\n\northward\northward\n\north\northward","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\northward\n\due north\n\northward\n\northward\n\due north\north\north\n\northward\n\n\due north\n\north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\northward\n\n\n\n\northward\n\north\n\n\n\north\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:41:52","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\north\n\northward\n\northward\due north\northward\north\northward\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\northward\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\north\n\n"}},{"id":969,"post_id":37592,"title":"Daniel Diemers, Head of blockchain at PwC","content":"

\"Daniel<\/p>\due north\due north

Well, we all witnessed the soft and pleasant increase in temperature subsequently the &ldquo;Crypto Winter,&rdquo; merely the Crypto Spring of the terminal 6&ndash;8 months was more than of a sideways move, which I notwithstanding think is healthier overall for the ecosystem than if we&rsquo;d gone straight into another steep toll hike. Working as a bridge-builder between the blockchain\/crypto world and incumbents and large corporates, what 2022 really stood for is concluding acceptance that &ldquo;Crypto is Here to Stay.&rdquo; For almost of u.s., this sounds like an former narrative, but in the Board Rooms around the world, it&rsquo;s not. Libra, in its own correct, has helped hither likewise, because seeing a large tech firm at the doorsteps launching such an aggressive blockchain project hammers that message straight abode.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\north\northward\due north\n\n\due north\due north\due north\n\n\n\northward\n\northward\north","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:42:46","updated_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:58:06","sort":11,"translations":{"id":962,"explained_post_id":969,"title_en":"Daniel Diemers, Head of blockchain at PwC","content_en":"


Well, we all witnessed the soft and pleasant increase in temperature subsequently the &ldquo;Crypto Wintertime,&rdquo; but the Crypto Spring of the last half dozen&ndash;eight months was more of a sideways movement, which I still think is healthier overall for the ecosystem than if we&rsquo;d gone straight into another steep price hike. Working as a bridge-builder between the blockchain\/crypto earth and incumbents and large corporates, what 2022 really stood for is concluding credence that &ldquo;Crypto is Hither to Stay.&rdquo; For most of us, this sounds similar an old narrative, but in the Board Rooms effectually the world, it&rsquo;s not. Libra, in its own right, has helped here too, because seeing a big tech house at the doorsteps launching such an aggressive blockchain project hammers that message straight abode.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\due north\due north\north\n\due north\n\n\due north\due north\northward\n\northward\n\n\n","title_es":"Daniel Diemers, Jefe de Blockchain en PwC","content_es":"


Bueno, todos fuimos testigos del suave y agradable aumento de la temperatura despu&eacute;s del \"Cripto Invierno\", pero la Cripto Primavera de los &uacute;ltimos 6-8 meses fue chiliad&aacute;s bien united nations movimiento lateral, lo que todav&iacute;a creo que es m&aacute;s saludable en general para el ecosistema que si hubi&eacute;ramos ido directamente a otra subida de precios pronunciada. Trabajando como un constructor de puentes entre el mundo de la cadena de bloques\/cripto y los titulares y las grandes empresas, lo que 2022 realmente representaba es la aceptaci&oacute;northward final de que \"El cripto est&aacute; aqu&iacute; para quedarse\". Para la mayor&iacute;a de nosotros, esto suena como una vieja narrativa, pero en las salas de juntas de todo el mundo, no lo es. Libra, por derecho propio, ha ayudado aqu&iacute; tambi&eacute;n, porque ver a una gran empresa tecnol&oacute;gica a las puertas de lanzar un proyecto de cadena de bloques tan ambicioso martillea ese mensaje directamente a casa.<\/p>\n\due north\n\northward\north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\northward","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\northward\n\due north\n\n\n\northward","title_de":"Daniel Diemers, Blockchain-Leiter bei PwC in EMEA ","content_de":"

\"Daniel<\/p>\n\due north

Zun&auml;chst ist es nach dem Krypto-Winter langsam immer w&auml;rmer geworden, allerdings war der anschlie&szlig;ende Krypto-Fr&uuml;hling der letzten 6-8 Monate eher eine Seitw&auml;rtsbewegung, die aber insgesamt ges&uuml;nder f&uuml;r das &Ouml;kosystem ist, als wenn die Kurse sofort wieder nach oben geschossen west&auml;ren. Das vergangene Jahr hat eine Br&uuml;cke geschlagen zwischen Blockchain\/Krypto, Politik und Wirtschaft. 2022 hat also deutlich klargemacht, dass Krytpo gekommen ist, um zu bleiben. F&uuml;r viele klingt dies zwar nach einem alten Narrativ, aber in den Aufsichtsr&auml;ten der Welt, ist diese noch nicht &uuml;berall angekommen. Facebook-Libra hat dazu einen wichtigen Teil beigetragen, denn wenn ein so gro&szlig;es Tech-Unternehmen ein solch ambitioniertes Blockchain-Projekt vorantreibt, wird allen schnell klar, was dice Stunde geschlagen hat.<\/p>\north\due north\due north\n\n\north\northward\due north\north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\northward\n\n\due north\n\n\north\n\n\due north\north\northward","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\n\northward\due north\n\n\due north\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\north\northward\northward\north\n\n\n\northward\n\north\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\north\north\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\due north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:42:46","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\northward\due north\northward\n\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\due north\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\north\n\northward\due north\n\n\northward"}},{"id":970,"post_id":37592,"championship":"Denelle Dixon, CEO of Stellar Development Foundation","content":"


I joined the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) in mid-2019, right around the time when we started seeing broader public interest in the blockchain space equally a result of new players in the market, like Facebook and JPMorgan. The archway of these companies helped push blockchain into the mainstream conversation and build more credibility for the technology. It was an exciting moment to jump into the infinite and join discussions about the potential for the engineering we&rsquo;re building.&nbsp;&nbsp;<\/p>\n\n

In improver to the institutional involvement in cryptocurrencies, the ascension popularity of stablecoins continued to grow in 2022 &mdash; and we&rsquo;ve witnessed that firsthand every bit new partners built on the Stellar Network. Whether that was Franklin Templeton using Stellar for a new fund or IBM signing on several banks to issue stablecoins on WorldWire this year, we saw this broader tendency playing out in the Stellar ecosystem.<\/p>\n\n

2019 was a big year for our manufacture as it generated increased momentum for blockchain. It was even more than exciting for my organization considering of the progress we&rsquo;re making at Stellar to create greater access to the global financial system.<\/p>\n\north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\due north\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\due north\north\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:43:28","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":12,"translations":{"id":963,"explained_post_id":970,"title_en":"Denelle Dixon, CEO of Stellar Development Foundation","content_en":"


I joined the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) in mid-2019, right around the time when we started seeing broader public interest in the blockchain space equally a issue of new players in the market place, like Facebook and JPMorgan. The entrance of these companies helped push blockchain into the mainstream conversation and build more credibility for the applied science. It was an exciting moment to jump into the infinite and join discussions about the potential for the technology nosotros&rsquo;re building.&nbsp;&nbsp;<\/p>\n\north

In add-on to the institutional involvement in cryptocurrencies, the ascent popularity of stablecoins continued to grow in 2022 &mdash; and we&rsquo;ve witnessed that firsthand as new partners built on the Stellar Network. Whether that was Franklin Templeton using Stellar for a new fund or IBM signing on several banks to result stablecoins on WorldWire this year, we saw this broader trend playing out in the Stellar ecosystem.<\/p>\northward\n

2019 was a big year for our manufacture every bit information technology generated increased momentum for blockchain. It was even more heady for my organization because of the progress we&rsquo;re making at Stellar to create greater access to the global fiscal system.<\/p>\n\north\n\n\due north\north\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\northward\due north\due north\north\n\due north\north","title_es":"Denelle Dixon, CEO de Stellar Evolution Foundation","content_es":"


Me un&iacute; a la Fundaci&oacute;n para el Desarrollo de Stellar (SDF) a mediados de 2022, justo en el momento en que empezamos a ver un inter&eacute;south p&uacute;blico one thousand&aacute;s amplio en el espacio de blockchain como resultado de nuevos actores en el mercado, como Facebook y JPMorgan. La campaign de estas empresas ayud&oacute; a empujar a Blockchain en la conversaci&oacute;n chief y a construir m&aacute;s credibilidad para la tecnolog&iacute;a. Fue un momento emocionante para saltar al espacio y unirse a las discusiones sobre el potencial de la tecnolog&iacute;a que estamos construyendo.<\/p>\due north\north

Adem&aacute;south del inter&eacute;s institucional en las criptomonedas, la creciente popularidad de las stablecoins continu&oacute; creciendo en 2022, y hemos sido testigos de primera mano de ello como nuevos socios construidos sobre la Stellar Network. Ya sea que se trate de Franklin Templeton usando Stellar para united nations nuevo fondo o de IBM firmando con varios bancos para emitir stablecoins en WorldWire este a&ntilde;o, hemos visto esta tendencia chiliad&aacute;south amplia que se est&aacute; desarrollando en el ecosistema Stellar.<\/p>\n\north

El 2022 fue un gran a&ntilde;o para nuestra industria ya que gener&oacute; un mayor impulso para la cadena de bloques. Fue a&uacute;northward grand&aacute;s emocionante para mi organizaci&oacute;n debido al progreso que estamos haciendo en Stellar para crear un mayor acceso al sistema financiero mundial.<\/p>\n\due north\north\n\north\due north\n\n\north\northward\n\northward","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\due north\n\n\n\n","title_de":"Denelle Dixon, CEO bei Stellar Development Foundation","content_de":"


Ich bin der Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) Mitte 2022 beigetreten, likewise genau zu dem Zeitpunkt, als das Interesse der &Ouml;ffentlichkeit an der Blockchain-Branche drastisch zugenommen hat, da gro&szlig;e Namen wie Facebook und JPMorgan in den Markt eingetreten sind. Der Markeintritt dieser gro&szlig;en Actor hat geholfen, Blockchain in den Mainstream zu hieven und der Technologie Vertrauensw&uuml;rdigkeit zu verleihen. Das state of war ein toller Zeitpunkt, um in die Branche einzusteigen und live mitzuerleben, wie das Potenzial dieser Technologie hei&szlig; diskutiert wurde.<\/p>\n\northward

Neben dem wachsenden Interesse institutioneller Investoren an den Kryptom&auml;rkten haben auch Stablecoins 2022 deutlich an Beliebtheit hinzugewonnen. Das haben wir bei Stellar aus erster Hand erfahren, da immer mehr Firmen unser Netzwerk dahingehend eingesetzt haben. Ob es Franklin Templeton waren, die Stellar f&uuml;r einen neuen Fonds genutzt haben, oder IBM, die sich mit mehreren Banken zusammengetan haben, um auf WorldWire Stablecoins herauszugeben, wir konnten diesen Trend im &Ouml;kosystem von Stellar deutlich feststellen.<\/p>\n\north

2019 war insgesamt ein wichtiges Jahr f&uuml;r unsere Branche, da dice Blockchain-Technologie viel Aufwind bekommen hat. F&uuml;r uns war es sogar noch aufregender, da wir bei Stellar gro&szlig;due east Fortschritte gemacht haben, um den Zugang zum globalen Finanzsystem deutlich zu vereinfachen.<\/p>\n\n\due north\n\north\n\north\north\n\due north","title_it":"","content_it":"\due north\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\due north\north\due north\n\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\north\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\due north\northward\n\n\due north\n\north\due north\northward\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\northward\n\northward\due north\n\northward\n\north\due north\due north\n\northward\north\n\n\north\due north\n\northward","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:43:28","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\north\north\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\due north\due north\n\due north\northward\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\due north\due north\n\n\northward\n"}},{"id":974,"post_id":37592,"title":"Arthur Hayes, CEO of BitMEX","content":"


Boring. Heady. Tiresome again. That is how I would describe 2022. Things got heady in the summer when Facebook announced Libra. 2022 was the twelvemonth of the stablecoin. Although many people do non empathise that stablecoins are substantially digitized versions of fiat currencies, information technology is positive that more than people are embracing a digital budgetary beingness. Stablecoins may prove to be the gateway catalyst into a true cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.<\/p>\n\n\north\north\due north\n\due north\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\due north\n\northward\n\northward\northward","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:50:57","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","sort":16,"translations":{"id":967,"explained_post_id":974,"title_en":"Arthur Hayes, CEO of BitMEX","content_en":"


Dull. Exciting. Boring again. That is how I would describe 2022. Things got heady in the summer when Facebook announced Libra. 2022 was the yr of the stablecoin. Although many people exercise not understand that stablecoins are essentially digitized versions of fiat currencies, information technology is positive that more people are embracing a digital budgetary existence. Stablecoins may evidence to exist the gateway catalyst into a true cryptocurrency similar Bitcoin.<\/p>\northward\n\due north\due north\due north\due north\n\n\north\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\north\northward\n\northward","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\due north\due north\n\due north\northward\northward\north\n\due north\n\n\n\n\due north\due north\northward\due north\north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\due north\n\n\n\n\northward\northward\n\n\due north\northward\due north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n","title_de":"Arthur Hayes, CEO bei BitMEX","content_de":"


Langweilig, aufregend, dann wieder langweilig. Then west&uuml;rde ich 2022 beschreiben. Der Sommer war richtig interessant, da Facebook die firmeneigene Kryptow&auml;hrung Libra angek&uuml;ndigt hat. 2022 state of war ohnehin das Jahr der Stablecoins. Obwohl viele Leute nicht richtig verstehen, dass Stablecoins eigentlich nur digitalisierte Versionen der Fiatw&auml;hrungen sind, ist es doch ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung, dass digitale W&auml;hrungen auf dem Vormarsch sind. Stablecoins one thousand&ouml;nnten der T&uuml;r&ouml;ffner f&uuml;r richtige Kryptow&auml;hrungen wie Bitcoin werden.<\/p>\north\north\northward\northward\northward\n\north\north\north\due north","title_it":"","content_it":"\north\n\due north\n\due north\n\northward\north\n\n\n\due north\northward\northward\n\due north\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\north\n\n\n\northward\due north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\northward\n\n\n\due north","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\north\n\north\n\n\n\north\due north\due north\due north\n\northward\n\n\n\n\due north\north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\northward\n\n\n\north\northward\n\n\northward\n\n\due north\due north\n\northward\due north\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:50:57","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\due north\n\n\due north\n\n\n\due north\north\due north\n\due north\north\n\n\n\northward\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\due north\due north\northward\north\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\n"}},{"id":975,"post_id":37592,"title":"Ivan on Tech, YouTube influencer","content":"


This has been an astonishing year filled with opportunities and a lot has been accomplished in the manufacture. Bitcoin was an absolute rollercoaster, Facebook announced Libra, Communist china has endorsed blockchain while condemning cryptocurrencies.<\/p>\n\northward

Bitcoin applied science has evolved with a lot of progress being washed on Schnorr signatures, while Ethereum has surprised past the growth of DeFi protocols, such as Compound, Synthetix and Uniswap. The value locked in DeFi DApps has exploded from $190 million at the showtime of 2022 to $628 million today. Insane growth that highlights the importance of this industry.<\/p>\n\n\northward\n\north\n\north\n\northward\due north\northward\n\north\n\n\northward\n\due north\n\due north\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:51:47","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":17,"translations":{"id":968,"explained_post_id":975,"title_en":"Ivan on Tech, YouTube influencer","content_en":"


This has been an astonishing twelvemonth filled with opportunities and a lot has been accomplished in the industry. Bitcoin was an accented rollercoaster, Facebook announced Libra, People's republic of china has endorsed blockchain while condemning cryptocurrencies.<\/p>\north\n

Bitcoin technology has evolved with a lot of progress being washed on Schnorr signatures, while Ethereum has surprised by the growth of DeFi protocols, such as Chemical compound, Synthetix and Uniswap. The value locked in DeFi DApps has exploded from $190 one thousand thousand at the commencement of 2022 to $628 million today. Insane growth that highlights the importance of this industry.<\/p>\north\due north\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\north\north","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\n\northward\north\n\north\north\n\n\due north\north\northward\n\n\n\n\n","title_de":"Ivan on Tech, YouTube-Influencer","content_de":"

\"Ivan<\/p>\due north\n

Das vergangene Jahr chapeau viele neue K&ouml;glichkeiten er&ouml;ffnet und dementsprechend konnte die Kryptobranche viel erreichen. Bitcoin lid eine regelrechte Achterbahnfahrt hingelegt, Facebook hat Libra angek&uuml;ndigt und China hat sich positiv &uuml;ber die Blockchain-Technologie, aber negativ &uuml;ber Kryptow&auml;hrungen ge&auml;u&szlig;ert.<\/p>\n\n

Dice Technologie hinter Bitcoin lid sich weiterentwickelt, so wurden besonders bei den Schnorr-Signaturen bedeutende Fortschritte gemacht. Auf Ethereum haben derweil dice Protokolle f&uuml;r dezentralisierte Finanzdienstleistungen neue H&ouml;hen erreicht, darunter Compound, Synthetix und Uniswap. Der Marktwert der DeFi-Apps lag Anfang 2022 noch bei 190 Mio. US-Dollar und ist mittlerweile auf satte 628 Mio. US-Dollar angestiegen. Dieses starke Wachstum zeigt, wie wichtig dieses Feld sein wird.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\due north\n\n\n\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\n\due north\north\n\n\n\north\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\north\n\northward\due north\due north\north\n\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\northward\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n\north\northward\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\north\n\n\due north\north\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:51:47","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\northward\northward\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\north\n\north\n\n\n\north\due north\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\north\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\due north"}},{"id":976,"post_id":37592,"title":"Sasha Ivanov, Founder and CEO of Waves","content":"


2019 was a formative twelvemonth for crypto, year of the next leg of the Gartner curve, the beginning of a steady growth. No breakthroughs have been accomplished, rather we are laying the foundations for future advancements. I was impressed by a steady growth of enterprise blockchain, finally we can run into a quantum in the level of understanding of blockchain concepts in business organisation scenarios.<\/p>\northward\north\northward\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\north\northward\n\n\northward\n\n\n\northward\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:54:05","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","sort":18,"translations":{"id":969,"explained_post_id":976,"title_en":"Sasha Ivanov, Founder and CEO of Waves","content_en":"

\"Sasha<\/p>\n\due north

2019 was a determinative twelvemonth for crypto, year of the next leg of the Gartner curve, the beginning of a steady growth. No breakthroughs have been achieved, rather we are laying the foundations for future advancements. I was impressed by a steady growth of enterprise blockchain, finally we can see a breakthrough in the level of understanding of blockchain concepts in business scenarios.<\/p>\due north\n\n\due north\northward\due north\northward\due north\n\n\n\n\north\n\north\n\n\due north\north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\north\north\north\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\northward\north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\n\n\due north\due north\northward\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward","title_de":"Sasha Ivanov, Gründer and CEO von Waves","content_de":"


2019 war ein wichtiges Jahr f&uuml;r Kryptow&auml;hrungen, da wir jetzt in die due north&auml;chste Stage des Hype-Zyklus nach Gartner &uuml;bergangen sind, in der wir stetiges Wachstum sehen. Es wurde zwar noch kein Durchbruch erzielt, aber wir schaffen momentan die Grundlage f&uuml;r zuk&uuml;nftige Entwicklungen. Die Fortschritte im Bereich der Unternehmens-Blockchains haben mich besonders beeindruckt, da wir daran erkennen yard&ouml;nnen, dass es mittlerweile ein Verst&auml;ndnis f&uuml;r dice praktische Anwendung der Technologie gibt.&nbsp;&nbsp;<\/p>\n\n\north\northward\n\due north\north\n\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\north\north\n\n\due north\n\n\n\due north\due north\northward\n\due north\n\due north\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\north\n\northward\n\north\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\n\n\due north\n\north\north\due north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:54:05","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\n\northward\northward\n\n\north\northward\due north\n\n\n\n\north\due north\northward\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\due north\north\north\n\due north\n\n\n\due north\n\n"}},{"id":977,"post_id":37592,"title":"Christoph Iwaniez, Principal financial officeholder of Bitwala","content":"


It's been a nifty year! Many projects with smart people and good ideas take delivered products and further developments.<\/p>\n\due north

At Bitwala, nosotros were of grade very focused on our customers: About 12 months ago... with the free bank account and debit card for Bitcoin investors, we are almost at zero launched. From Berlin, we now serve customers in all 31 countries of the European Economic Area. The customers are happy and so are we.<\/p>\north\n

And then are our investors, by the mode: In the summer, we fabricated our largest investment to date ($thirteen million for a German blockchain showtime-up). The amount of the funding round and the well-known investors underline that fifty-fifty in a conduct marketplace a stiff team, an innovative production and the actual implementation convince investors.<\/p>\north\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\northward\northward\n\north\n\north","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:55:l","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":19,"translations":{"id":970,"explained_post_id":977,"title_en":"Christoph Iwaniez, Chief financial officeholder of Bitwala","content_en":"

\"Christoph<\/p>\n\due north

It'southward been a great yr! Many projects with smart people and proficient ideas have delivered products and further developments.<\/p>\due north\north

At Bitwala, we were of course very focused on our customers: Most 12 months ago... with the free bank account and debit carte du jour for Bitcoin investors, nosotros are nearly at naught launched. From Berlin, we now serve customers in all 31 countries of the European Economic Area. The customers are happy and so are we.<\/p>\n\n

And and then are our investors, past the style: In the summer, we fabricated our largest investment to date ($13 1000000 for a German blockchain start-up). The amount of the funding round and the well-known investors underline that even in a deport market a strong team, an innovative product and the actual implementation convince investors.<\/p>\n\n\n\north\n\northward\n\northward\north\due north\n\n\n\northward\due north\n\n\n\n\northward","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\due north\n\north\due north\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\due north\n\north\n\north\n\n\northward\north\n\n\n\northward\n\northward\n\n","title_de":"Christoph Iwaniez, Chief Financial Officeholder bei Bitwala","content_de":"

\"Christoph<\/p>\due north\northward

Es state of war ein starkes Jahr! Viele Projekte mit smarten Leuten und guten Ideen haben Produkte und Weiterentwicklungen abgeliefert.<\/p>\n\due north

Bei Bitwala waren wir nat&uuml;rlich sehr auf unsere Kunden fokussiert: Vor gut zw&ouml;lf Monaten sind wir mit dem freien Bankkonto und der Debit Card f&uuml;r Bitcoin-Anleger quasi bei nil gestartet. Aus Berlin heraus betreuen wir heute Kunden in allen 31 L&auml;ndern des Europ&auml;ischen Wirtschaftsraums. Die Kunden sind happy und wir sind es auch.<\/p>\n\due north

Und unsere Investoren &uuml;brigens auch: Im Sommer haben wir das bislang gr&ouml;&szlig;te Investment f&uuml;r ein deutsches Blockchain Startup (thirteen Millionen Euro) erhalten. Die H&ouml;he der Fundingrunde und die namhaften Investoren unterstreichen, dass auch in einem B&auml;renmarkt ein starkes Team, ein innovatives Produkt und dice tats&auml;chliche Umsetzung Investoren &uuml;berzeugt.<\/p>\due north\n\northward\n\n\n\due north\north\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\due north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\due north\northward\north\n\northward\n\due north\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\north\due north\n\n\northward\n\n\northward\n\n\n\due north\due north\n\n\northward\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\north\northward\n\n\n\n\north\north\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\northward\due north\n\due north\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\due north\n\northward","created_at":"2020-01-06 17:55:50","updated_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\northward\northward\northward\north\n\due north\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\north\n\due north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\northward\due north\northward\due north\northward"}},{"id":980,"post_id":37592,"championship":"Sanja Kon, Vice president of global partnerships at Utrust","content":"


2019 was a remarkable year for blockchain and cryptocurrency evolution. Nosotros saw the nascency of new trading products: Regulators on both sides of the Atlantic started paying close attention to the benefits of digital assets, and China entered the blockchain race in total force spending billions in its efforts to get the epicenter of development.<\/p>\n\due north

For me, undoubtedly the biggest milestone of 2022 was Libra. A seismic shift occurred across the globe following the announcement. Libra successfully goaded central banks around the world to start having a serious conversation about the digitization of currencies.<\/p>\n\n

But it was by no means an easy ride, the prolonged deport market shook the industry. For Utrust, however, this was a blessing in disguise. We put our heads downward and focused on building and improving our technology. Nosotros take not simply survived just take thrived ever since.<\/p>\due north\n\northward\due north\northward\due north\n\due north\n\n\due north\n\north\n\north\due north\n\n\n\due north","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:08:14","updated_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:58:06","sort":22,"translations":{"id":973,"explained_post_id":980,"title_en":"Sanja Kon, Vice president of global partnerships at Utrust","content_en":"


2019 was a remarkable year for blockchain and cryptocurrency development. We saw the nascency of new trading products: Regulators on both sides of the Atlantic started paying close attending to the benefits of digital assets, and China entered the blockchain race in total force spending billions in its efforts to become the epicenter of development.<\/p>\n\n

For me, undoubtedly the biggest milestone of 2022 was Libra. A seismic shift occurred across the globe following the announcement. Libra successfully goaded central banks around the world to showtime having a serious conversation most the digitization of currencies.<\/p>\north\northward

But it was by no ways an easy ride, the prolonged bear market shook the industry. For Utrust, however, this was a blessing in disguise. We put our heads down and focused on building and improving our technology. We have non only survived simply accept thrived ever since.<\/p>\n\north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\north\north\northward\northward\due north","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\n\n\northward\north\n\north\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\northward\n\n\northward\north\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\north\north\n","title_de":"Sanja Kon, Vizepräsidentin für globale Partnerschaften bei Utrust","content_de":"


2019 war ein tolles Jahr f&uuml;r Blockchain und Kryptow&auml;hrungen. Wir haben dice Geburtsstunde vieler neuer Trading-Produkte miterlebt, Aufsichtsbeh&ouml;rden auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks haben sich north&auml;her mit digitalen Verm&ouml;genswerten besch&auml;ftigt und China chapeau sich mit voller Macht und vielen Milliarden Dollar ins Wettrennen um die Marktherrschaft im Blockchain-Sektor gest&uuml;rzt.<\/p>\n\n

Der gr&ouml;&szlig;te Meilenstein im Jahr 2022 war f&uuml;r mich eindeutig Libra. Die blo&szlig;e Ank&uuml;ndigung der Facebook-Kryptow&auml;hrung hat f&uuml;r einen weltweiten Paradigmenwechsel gesorgt. Libra hat dice Zentralbanken gezwungen, sich endlich ernsthaft mit der Digitalisierung von W&auml;hrungen zu besch&auml;ftigen.<\/p>\due north\n

Das Jahr verlief aber nicht ganz reibungslos, denn der langanhaltende Abw&auml;rtstrend hat dice Kryptom&auml;rkte ganz sch&ouml;n ersch&uuml;ttert. F&uuml;r Utrust war dies aber gar nicht mal so schlecht, da wir uns einfach darauf konzentriert haben, unsere Technologie zu verbessern. Dadurch waren wir nicht nur in der Lage zu &uuml;berleben, sondern sind jetzt st&auml;rker als je zuvor.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\due north\n\northward\n\n\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\north\n\due north\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\due north\northward\due north","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\n\north\n\n\due north\north\n\n\n\due north\north\northward\n\north\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\due north\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:08:14","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\due north\n\due north\north\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\due north\n\n\n\north\n\due north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\northward\northward\n\north\due north\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\due north\n\north\due north\n"}},{"id":981,"post_id":37592,"title":"Jonathan Levin, Co-founder and chief strategy officer of Chainalysis","content":"


At the starting time of this year, I predicted three major themes in cryptocurrency for 2022: Cryptocurrency would be embraced as &ldquo;regtech&rdquo; by financial institutions and regulators, information technology would play a vital role in sanctions enforcement, and Anti-Coin Laundering practices (AML) would strengthen in Asia.<\/p>\northward\due north

As it turns out, 2022 was an of import twelvemonth for cryptocurrency in terms of regulations, but more in terms of clarity provided past the Financial Action Chore Force (FATF) and FinCEN, than automating banks' compliance programs and regulatory oversight. Notably, for the first fourth dimension, FinCEN explicitly states blockchain analysis is an of import part of an effective AML solution and a significant factor in cryptocurrency businesses&rsquo; ability to comply with the Banking company Secrecy Act (BSA). FinCEN makes information technology clear that Know Your Customer (KYC) processes are also of import, and cryptocurrency businesses should expect tough regulatory scrutiny on that besides next year.<\/p>\due north\n

We too saw further regulatory clarity from the SEC. For case, the Blockstack Reg A approving was the first approving of its kind and demonstrates a path to SEC-approved IPO-type fundraising with a crypto token. While other firms have previously taken reward of Regulation A , this is the first fourth dimension that investors will receive a token rather than shares in the company.&nbsp;<\/p>\n\n

Now that nosotros have the regulatory clarity, I think 2022 will be an important yr for embracing cryptocurrency as regtech.<\/p>\north\n

Cryptocurrency did indeed continue to become important to sanctions enforcement, most notably related to fentanyl trafficking. I wait this trend to continue.<\/p>\n\n

While our business organisation expanded in Asia and Anti-Coin Laundering practices there are strengthening, nosotros still come across the laundering of big amounts of illicit funds through some OTC brokers operating out of People's republic of china. Funds stolen through the PlusToken scam is a good example of this.<\/p>\north\n

Ane notable milestone that I didn't predict was major law enforcement announcements that credit blockchain analysis as a critical tool in identifying suspects and making arrests. The Department of Justice's announcement of the takedown of Welcome to Video, the largest always child pornography site by amount of material stored, along with the arrest of its owner and operator and more than 337 site users across 38 countries along with the identification and rescue of 23 minors, was a major event for the industry. Law enforcement discussed how they were able to harness blockchain analysis to make arrests and rescues that otherwise would not have been possible. This was an important example of how blockchains tin can actually provide greater transparency into financial transactions, not less.<\/p>\n\n

2019 likewise saw the archway of major players into the cryptocurrency ecosystem, particularly Facebook and Fidelity. With Libra, Facebook has the opportunity to make cryptocurrency available to their massive user base of operations, leading to its more pervasive use. Of course, this has the potential to create fiscal inclusion for both good and bad actors, and the take chances of money laundering volition demand to be mitigated. Transaction monitoring will be needed to come across the expectations of regulators effectually the world. And Fidelity&rsquo;s launch into custody and trading services for digital assets is also a boon for the manufacture and will pave the way for further adoption from financial institutions.<\/p>\n\n

Finally, CME Bitcoin futures was an exciting development and I wait information technology to go along to selection up.<\/p>\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:09:50","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":23,"translations":{"id":974,"explained_post_id":981,"title_en":"Jonathan Levin, Co-founder and chief strategy officeholder of Chainalysis","content_en":"


At the showtime of this year, I predicted three major themes in cryptocurrency for 2022: Cryptocurrency would exist embraced as &ldquo;regtech&rdquo; past fiscal institutions and regulators, information technology would play a vital role in sanctions enforcement, and Anti-Money Laundering practices (AML) would strengthen in Asia.<\/p>\n\n

As it turns out, 2022 was an important year for cryptocurrency in terms of regulations, but more in terms of clarity provided past the Financial Activity Job Forcefulness (FATF) and FinCEN, than automating banks' compliance programs and regulatory oversight. Notably, for the first fourth dimension, FinCEN explicitly states blockchain assay is an important role of an effective AML solution and a significant factor in cryptocurrency businesses&rsquo; power to comply with the Depository financial institution Secrecy Act (BSA). FinCEN makes it clear that Know Your Customer (KYC) processes are likewise important, and cryptocurrency businesses should expect tough regulatory scrutiny on that as well adjacent year.<\/p>\n\n

We also saw further regulatory clarity from the SEC. For example, the Blockstack Reg A approval was the start approval of its kind and demonstrates a path to SEC-approved IPO-blazon fundraising with a crypto token. While other firms accept previously taken advantage of Regulation A , this is the first fourth dimension that investors will receive a token rather than shares in the company.&nbsp;<\/p>\due north\n

Now that we have the regulatory clarity, I think 2022 will be an important year for embracing cryptocurrency every bit regtech.<\/p>\north\northward

Cryptocurrency did indeed continue to become important to sanctions enforcement, nigh notably related to fentanyl trafficking. I wait this trend to go on.<\/p>\n\due north

While our business concern expanded in Asia and Anti-Coin Laundering practices in that location are strengthening, we still see the laundering of large amounts of illicit funds through some OTC brokers operating out of Cathay. Funds stolen through the PlusToken scam is a good instance of this.<\/p>\n\northward

One notable milestone that I didn't predict was major law enforcement announcements that credit blockchain assay as a disquisitional tool in identifying suspects and making arrests. The Department of Justice's declaration of the takedown of Welcome to Video, the largest e'er child pornography site by amount of textile stored, along with the arrest of its owner and operator and more than 337 site users across 38 countries along with the identification and rescue of 23 minors, was a major event for the industry. Law enforcement discussed how they were able to harness blockchain assay to make arrests and rescues that otherwise would non have been possible. This was an important example of how blockchains can really provide greater transparency into financial transactions, non less.<\/p>\n\n

2019 also saw the entrance of major players into the cryptocurrency ecosystem, specially Facebook and Fidelity. With Libra, Facebook has the opportunity to make cryptocurrency available to their massive user base, leading to its more pervasive employ. Of course, this has the potential to create fiscal inclusion for both good and bad actors, and the take chances of money laundering will need to be mitigated. Transaction monitoring will be needed to run into the expectations of regulators around the globe. And Fidelity&rsquo;due south launch into custody and trading services for digital avails is also a boon for the industry and volition pave the mode for farther adoption from financial institutions.<\/p>\n\n

Finally, CME Bitcoin futures was an heady development and I expect it to continue to selection up.<\/p>\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\north\n\northward\n\due north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\due north","title_de":"Jonathan Levin, Mitbegründer und Sicherheitschef bei Chainalysis","content_de":"


Anfang 2022 hatte ich drei gro&szlig;e Entwicklungen f&uuml;r die Kryptobranche prognostiziert: Kryptow&auml;hrungen westward&uuml;rden von Finanzinstituten und Aufsichtsbeh&ouml;rden als northward&uuml;tzliche Technologie anerkannt werden, sie due west&uuml;rden bei der Durchsetzung von politischen Sanktionen eine wichtige Rolle spielen und abschlie&szlig;end westward&uuml;rden die Ma&szlig;nahmen zur Geldw&auml;schebek&auml;mpfung in Asien intensiviert werden.<\/p>\due north\northward

Wie sich gezeigt hat, war 2022 tats&auml;chlich ein wichtiges Jahr f&uuml;r die Krypto-Regulierung, aber mehr in der Hinsicht, dass \"der Arbeitskreis Ma&szlig;nahmen zur Geldw&auml;schebek&auml;mpfung\" (FATF) und das FinCEN rechtliche Klarheit geschaffen haben und nicht hinsichtlich der Blockchain-gesteuerten Einhaltung von Compliance-Vorgaben. Nennenswert ist dabei, dass die FinCEN explizit festgehalten hat, dass Blockchain einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Geldw&auml;schebek&auml;mpfung leisten kann. Au&szlig;erdem kann sie Krypto-Unternehmen dabei helfen, sich an das Geldw&auml;schegesetz zu halten. Des Weiteren betont die FinCEN, dass dice Einholung von Kundeninformationen (KYC) f&uuml;r Krypto-Unternehmen zunehmend wichtig sein wird, weshalb sie darauf in Zukunft noch genauer achten will.<\/p>\due north\n

Seitens der U.s.a.-B&ouml;rsenaufsicht SEC gab es ebenfalls neue rechtliche Klarheit. And so chapeau die Zulassung von Blockstack nach Ausnahmeregel A gezeigt, dass es einen Weg gibt, eine B&ouml;rsengang &auml;hnliche Kapitalaufnahme in Form eines Token-Verkaufs durchzuf&uuml;hren und daf&uuml;r eine Genehmigung von der B&ouml;rsenaufsicht zu erhalten. Obwohl andere Unternehmen zuvor auch schon die Ausnahmeregel A genutzt hatten, was es in diesem Fall das erste Mal, dass eine Kryptow&auml;hrung anstatt klassischen Aktien zur Generierung des Investitionskapitals eingesetzt wurde. Obwohl viele zurecht darauf hinweisen, dass dies Blockstack nur unter gro&szlig;em Kapitalaufwand gelungen ist, wurde damit gleichzeitig eine Blaupause f&uuml;r andere Unternehmen geschaffen.<\/p>\n\n

Da wir jetzt dice north&ouml;tige rechtliche Klarheit haben, wird das Jahr 2022 meiner Meinung nach wichtig, um Kryptow&auml;hrungen als Regulierungs-Technologie zu etablieren.<\/p>\n\n

Tats&auml;chlich haben sich Kryptow&auml;hrungen zunehmend als Werkzeug zur Durchsetzung von Sanktionen bewiesen, besonders was den Schmuggel von Fentanyl angeht. Ich bin mir sicher, dass sich dieser Trend fortsetzt.<\/p>\n\northward

Obwohl unser Unternehmen in Asien immer weiter expandieren kann und auch die Auflagen zur Bek&auml;mpfung von Geldw&auml;sche insgesamt verst&auml;rkt werden, werden immer noch gro&szlig;e Mengen illegaler Gelder durch au&szlig;erb&ouml;rsliche Krypto-H&auml;ndler aus China bewegt. Die Gelder, die durch den betr&uuml;gerischen PlusToken ergaunert wurden, sind ein gutes Beispiel daf&uuml;r.<\/p>\n\n

Ein weiterer Meilenstein, mit dem ich nicht gerechnet hatte, war, dass einige gro&szlig;eastward Strafverfolgungsbeh&ouml;rden Blockchain als wichtiges Analyse-Tool genutzt haben, um Verhaftungen zu machen. Das amerikanische Justizministerium chapeau die Technologie zum Beispiel bei seinem Schlag gegen Welcome To Video, die gr&ouml;&szlig;te kinderpornografische Seite im Netz, als Hilfsmittel benannt. Dabei wurden dessen Betreiber, Besitzer und mehr als 337 Nutzern aus 38 L&auml;ndern verhaftet, au&szlig;erdem konnten 23 minderj&auml;hrige Opfer identifiziert und gerettet werden. Dies war auch f&uuml;r die Blockchain-Branche ein wichtiges Ereignis, da die Strafverfolgungsbeh&ouml;rden Blockchain-basierte Analysemethoden eingesetzt haben, ohne die dieser Schlag nicht g&ouml;glich gewesen w&auml;re. Dies state of war ein wichtiger Beleg daf&uuml;r, dass die Blockchain-Technologie mehr Transparenz bei Finanztransaktionen schafft und nicht weniger.<\/p>\n\north

Zudem sind 2022 ein paar gro&szlig;e Thespian in die Kryptobranche eingetreten, allen voran Facebook und Fidelity. Mit Libra grand&ouml;nnte Facebook es m&ouml;glich machen, dass Kryptow&auml;hrungen einer breiten Masse zug&auml;nglich werden, was die Massentauglichkeit entscheidend vorantreiben k&ouml;nnte. Allerdings zieht diese finanzielle Inklusion nicht nur rechtschaffende, sondern auch kriminelle Menschen an, weshalb das Risiko der Geldw&auml;sche dringendst bedacht werden muss. Die &Uuml;berwachung von Transaktionen wird den Anspr&uuml;chen von Regierungen und Aufsichtsbeh&ouml;rden auf der ganzen Welt gen&uuml;gen one thousand&uuml;ssen. Dass Fidelity das eigene Leistungsangebot jetzt auch auf Handels- und Verwahrungsdienstleistungen f&uuml;r digitale Verm&ouml;genswerte ausgeweitet hat, ist ein weiterer wichtiger Schritt f&uuml;r dice Branche, der die Annahme durch Finanzinstitute beschleunigt.<\/p>\n\n

Zu guter Letzt waren auch die CME Bitcoin-Futures ein wichtiger Entwicklungsschritt, der immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen wird.<\/p>\n\n\north\n\n\n\north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\north\north\n\north\n\n\northward\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\due north\northward\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\north\n\due north\n\north\n\n\n\north\northward\due north\due north\n\northward\n\northward","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\north\northward\n\northward\north\due north\n\n\due north\due north\northward\northward\n\n\n\north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\due north\n\northward\due north\n\n\n\northward\north\northward\n\north\north\due north\n\northward\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 eighteen:09:50","updated_at":"2020-01-sixteen 11:25:forty","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\north\n\northward\due north\n\due north\n\north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\due north\due north\northward\due north\n\n\n\north\north\n\due north\n\n\n\n"}},{"id":983,"post_id":37592,"title":"Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Celsius","content":"


2019 was a turbulent year, to say the least. I think all of us in the crypto customs were hoping to accomplish new heights as far as mass adoption, but we just didn't become there yet. We are nevertheless a relatively minor group of crypto nerds, but I&rsquo;m hoping 2022 is the year that changes that. Without a doubt, Facebook&rsquo;s Libra had the biggest impact on awareness for cryptocurrencies. Our friends in Cathay appear they were getting into digital currencies and that woke upward a few U.S. Senators to commencement having important conversations about our own digital currencies. Past the time the U.Due south. government gets in that location, it will exist too belatedly.&nbsp;&nbsp;<\/p>\due north\north\n\n\north\northward\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 xviii:12:28","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":25,"translations":{"id":976,"explained_post_id":983,"title_en":"Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Celsius","content_en":"


2019 was a turbulent year, to say the least. I recollect all of us in the crypto community were hoping to reach new heights as far as mass adoption, merely nosotros just didn't get at that place nonetheless. We are still a relatively small group of crypto nerds, just I&rsquo;m hoping 2022 is the year that changes that. Without a doubt, Facebook&rsquo;due south Libra had the biggest touch on on awareness for cryptocurrencies. Our friends in China announced they were getting into digital currencies and that woke upwardly a few U.S. Senators to showtime having important conversations about our own digital currencies. Past the fourth dimension the U.S. regime gets there, information technology will be too late.&nbsp;&nbsp;<\/p>\n\north\due north\n\n\n\n\north\n\northward\n\n\due north\northward\n\n\n\north\n\northward","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\n\n\n\n\due north\northward\n\due north\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\due north\n\n\n\due north\due north\n\n\north\northward\n\n\north\n\n\n\northward\north","title_de":"Alex Mashinsky, CEO bei Celsius","content_de":"


Gelinde gesagt war 2022 ein turbulentes Jahr. Ich denke, dass viele von uns aus der Krypto-Community darauf gehofft hatten, dass die breite Annahme weiter voranschreitet, aber dice Massentauglichkeit haben wir immer noch nicht erreicht. Wir sind eigentlich immer noch nur eine kleine Gruppe von Krypto-Nerds, aber im Jahr 2022 &auml;ndert sich das hoffentlich. Facebook-Libra state of war ein wichtiger T&uuml;r&ouml;ffner f&uuml;r Kryptow&auml;hrungen. Unsere Freunde in China haben ebenfalls angek&uuml;ndigt, dass sie eine Digitalw&auml;hrung herausbringen wollen und das hat wiederum die U.s.a.-Politik dazu bewegt, &uuml;ber unsere eigenen Digitalw&auml;hrungen zu sprechen. Bis die U.s.a.-Regierung zu einem Ergebnis kommt, wird es allerdings zu sp&auml;t sein.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\north\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\north\n\n\north\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\northward\n\n\north\due north\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\due north\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\due north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\northward\n\n\n\north\n\n\due north\n\north\due north\n\north\n\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\north\due north\n\northward\n\n\north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 eighteen:12:28","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\north\n\n\n\due north\n\northward\n\n\n\northward\north\n\n\n\n\northward\due north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\north\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"}},{"id":985,"post_id":37592,"championship":"Samson Mow, Chief strategy officer of Blockstream","content":"


For 2022, nosotros had a bang-up year at Blockstream. We launched Blockstream Mining and are now i of the largest players in Northward America now with 300 MW of capacity. We too announced a new product, Liquid Securities, which is a platform that sits on top of the Liquid Network (Bitcoin sidechain) to allow companies to issue tokenized securities. We&rsquo;re too seeing a lot of traction with the Liquid Network itself equally Tether ($4 billion market place cap stablecoin) launched back up of it, and BTSE (cryptocurrency exchange) announced they volition be raising $50 million through an commutation token issued on Liquid.<\/p>\northward\n\n\n\n\northward\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\due north\north\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 eighteen:13:20","updated_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:58:06","sort":27,"translations":{"id":978,"explained_post_id":985,"title_en":"Samson Mow, Main strategy officer of Blockstream","content_en":"


For 2022, we had a great yr at Blockstream. We launched Blockstream Mining and are now one of the largest players in Northward America now with 300 MW of capacity. We also announced a new product, Liquid Securities, which is a platform that sits on top of the Liquid Network (Bitcoin sidechain) to let companies to issue tokenized securities. Nosotros&rsquo;re too seeing a lot of traction with the Liquid Network itself every bit Tether ($4 billion market cap stablecoin) launched support of it, and BTSE (cryptocurrency exchange) appear they volition exist raising $50 million through an exchange token issued on Liquid.<\/p>\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\due north\north\n\n\north\n\northward\n\n\northward","title_es":"","content_es":"\due north\north\north\due north\due north\n\due north\north\north\n\north\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\due north\due north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\n","title_de":"Samson Mow, Master Strategy Officeholder bei Blockstream","content_de":"

\"Samson<\/p>\due north\n

Wir bei Blockstream hatten 2022 ein tolles Jahr. Wir haben Blockstream Mining an den Beginning gebracht und sind mit einer Kapazit&auml;t von 300 MW einer der gr&ouml;&szlig;ten Player in Nordamerika. Des Weiteren haben wir Liquid Securities angek&uuml;ndigt, wobei es sich um eine Plattform handelt, die auf dem Liquid Network (einer Sidechain von Bitcoin) operiert und Unternehmen erm&ouml;glicht, Wertpapiere zu tokenisieren. Au&szlig;erdem wird das Liquid Network immer weiter angenommen, was sich daran zeigt, dass es jetzt von Tether (dem f&uuml;hrenden Stablecoin mit 4 Mrd. US-Dollar Marktkapitalisierung) unterst&uuml;tzt wird. Au&szlig;erdem lid die Kryptob&ouml;rse BTSE angek&uuml;ndigt, dass sie 50 Mio. U.s.a.-Dollar Investitionskapital durch einen Token einnehmen will, der auf Liquid basiert.<\/p>\n\due north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\north\north\north\n\due north\n\north\due north\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\north\n\n\northward\north\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\due north\n\due north\n\north\north\n\north\n\due north\n\n\due north\due north\due north\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\northward\n\due north\northward\northward\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\due north\northward\north\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 eighteen:13:20","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\north\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\due north\northward\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\northward\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\north\n\northward\north\n\due north"}},{"id":986,"post_id":37592,"title":"Niklas Nikolajsen, Chairman & Founder at Bitcoin Suisse","content":"


2019 was a year of consolidation and of developments in regulation, just also of commercial and technical progress. Bitcoin stabilized from the terminate-2017 hype, and regulators and banks all over the globe started taking the topic of crypto assets seriously. Big news included, of class, Libra, ChinaCoin and the evolution of regulatory frameworks in the EU, Principality of liechtenstein, Federal republic of germany and other jurisdictions. On the commercial side, the launch of the first futures, ETP and developments of ETP products for Bitcoin and Ethereum, and on both the commercial and technical side, the development and growth of the DeFi services and the evolution of Ethereum 2.0.<\/p>\n\n\due north","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:23:06","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":28,"translations":{"id":979,"explained_post_id":986,"title_en":"Niklas Nikolajsen, Chairman & Founder at Bitcoin Suisse","content_en":"


2019 was a year of consolidation and of developments in regulation, simply also of commercial and technical progress. Bitcoin stabilized from the end-2017 hype, and regulators and banks all over the world started taking the topic of crypto assets seriously. Big news included, of course, Libra, ChinaCoin and the development of regulatory frameworks in the Eu, Liechtenstein, Frg and other jurisdictions. On the commercial side, the launch of the first futures, ETP and developments of ETP products for Bitcoin and Ethereum, and on both the commercial and technical side, the development and growth of the DeFi services and the development of Ethereum 2.0.<\/p>\n\north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\northward\n\n\n\north\n\due north\due north\due north\north\north\north\northward\northward\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\north\northward\due north\northward\n\northward\due north\n\n\n\northward\n\n\north\n\n","title_de":"Niklas Nikolajsen, Gründer der Bitcoin Suisse AG","content_de":"

\"Niklas<\/p>\due north\n

2019 war das Jahr der Konsolidierung und des Fortschritts bei den gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen, aber auch wirtschaftlich und technisch gab es Nennenswertes. Bitcoin hat sich nach dem Hype von 2022 stabilisiert, Aufsichtsbeh&ouml;rden und Banken auf der ganzen Welt nehmen Kryptow&auml;hrungen mittlerweile ernst. Die wichtigsten Entwicklungen waren nat&uuml;rlich Facebook-Libra, die geplante chinesische Digitalw&auml;hrung, sowie die Formulierung von gesetzlichen Krypto-Richtlinien in der Eu, Principality of liechtenstein, Deutschland und weiteren L&auml;ndern. Was den Krypto-Handel angeht, war dice Einf&uuml;hrung von Futures und b&ouml;rsengehandelten Finanzprodukten (ETPs) in Bitcoin und Ethereum wichtig. Aus wirtschaftlicher und technischer Sicht waren die Weiterentwicklungen im Bereich der Dezentralisierten Finanzdienstleistungen (DeFi) und von Ethereum ii.0 von besonderer Bedeutung.<\/p>\n\n\n\northward\north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\north\northward\north\n\n\n\due north\north\due north\north\northward\n\n\due north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\due north\northward\north\n\n\due north\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\north\n\north\due north\north\n\northward\north\n\north\due north\n\n\n\n\northward","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\north\n\due north\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\due north\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:23:06","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\north\n\n\north\due north\north\n\n\due north\northward\northward\northward\n\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\northward\north\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\due north\n"}},{"id":989,"post_id":37592,"title":"Phillip Sandner, Caput of Frankfurt Schoolhouse Blockchain Heart","content":"


Blockchain means \"crypto assets\" on the one manus and \"DLT\" on the other &mdash; i.e., applications from the pure corporate context. In the area of \"crypto assets,\" one can see how Bitcoin and Ethereum, in particular, have developed very positively on the footing of various metrics &mdash; but non in terms of price. In \"DLT,\" one can see that ane later on the other, companies are now getting enthusiastic about blockchain technology. Industrial companies, banks, etc. &mdash; with some filibuster even the middle grade.<\/p>\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\north\due north","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:25:56","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","sort":31,"translations":{"id":982,"explained_post_id":989,"title_en":"Phillip Sandner, Head of Frankfurt School Blockchain Heart","content_en":"


Blockchain means \"crypto assets\" on the one paw and \"DLT\" on the other &mdash; i.e., applications from the pure corporate context. In the expanse of \"crypto avails,\" one can see how Bitcoin and Ethereum, in particular, have developed very positively on the ground of diverse metrics &mdash; but not in terms of cost. In \"DLT,\" one tin can see that one after the other, companies are at present getting enthusiastic nigh blockchain engineering. Industrial companies, banks, etc. &mdash; with some delay even the eye class.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\north\north\north\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\due north\n\northward\due north\north\n\n\north\n\n\n\north\n\north\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\northward\due north\n\due north\n\due north\due north\n\n\due north\north\due north\due north\due north\n","title_de":"Phillip Sandner, Leiter des Frankfurt School Blockchain Center","content_de":"


Blockchain bedeutet auf der einen Seite \"Crypto Assets\" und auf der anderen Seite \"DLT\", also eher Anwendungen aus dem reinen Unternehmenskontext. Im Bereich \"Crypto Assets\" sieht man, wie sich vor allem Bitcoin und Ethereum anhand verschiedener Metriken sehr positiv entwickelt haben &ndash;&nbsp;jedoch nicht beim Preis. Bei \"DLT\" kann man erkennen, dass schon einige&nbsp;Unternehmen sich f&uuml;r die Blockchain-Technologie begeistern, z. B. Industrie-Unternehmen, Banken, mit&nbsp;etwas Verz&ouml;gerung sogar der Mittelstand.<\/p>\n\n\northward\due north\n\n\n\northward\northward\due north","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\northward\n\northward\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\northward","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\north\n\north\n\due north\n\n\n\n\north\north\north\due north\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\north\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\north\north\due north\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\northward\n\north\due north\n\n\northward\n\n\n\north\n\n\north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:25:56","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\due north\n\n\n\due north\n\n\north\due north\due north\n\due north\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\n\northward\northward\northward\n\n\n\northward\n\north\n\n\north"}},{"id":990,"post_id":37592,"title":"Robert Schwertner, Influencer","content":"

\"Robert<\/p>\due north\northward

The situation of the crypto industry in 2022: The air is out! The Party Is Over. The magical attraction of cryptocurrencies is finally lost in 2022. In previous years, blockchain start-ups issued their own cryptocurrencies and nerveless fabled sums from many stupid people, some of whom telephone call themselves investors. Driven by greed and hope for quick wealth, blockchain companies threw money down their throats. However, they forgot the virtually important economical dominion: Every skilful business needs a coherent business model. That was missing from 99% of the blockchain companies. By 2022, disillusionment was spreading and investors were getting smarter. The process was painful but definitely beneficial. What we are seeing now are bang-up new projects of high quality.<\/p>\northward\n

Probably the most important hitting in 2022 was Mark Zuckerberg's cryptocurrency project Libra, and it did so several times: The foundation was established in Switzerland. Mastercard, Visa, Paypal board every bit partners. Central banks castigate Libra as a \"danger to the financial system.\" Politicians denounce Facebook as a data killer. In October, the flop exploded: Visa, Mastercard and Paypal got common cold feet, they leave the project. Libra's merit is certainly that now finally western cardinal banks are waking up and thinking about their own digital currency projects. And this is admittedly necessary for the survival of the western market place economy because there is already a lot of activity in the East: I was impressed past the targeted use of blockchain technology by China. The Chinese are not just talking and complaining. They are implementing: The Chinese government is already testing a digital yuan\/renminbi with over 500,000 companies in the two industrial cities of Shenzhen and Suzhou from 2022. The aim is to simplify the sending of invoices, make firsthand payments, and too improve the payment of salaries and social security. The revenue enhancement system will be considerably simplified. If the The states and Europe do not chop-chop promote innovation and create improved framework conditions, nosotros will lose this contest and will have to implement Chinese standards subsequently.<\/p>\north\due north\due north\north\northward\due north\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\northward\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 xviii:26:fifty","updated_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:58:06","sort":32,"translations":{"id":983,"explained_post_id":990,"title_en":"Robert Schwertner, Influencer","content_en":"


The state of affairs of the crypto industry in 2022: The air is out! The Party Is Over. The magical attraction of cryptocurrencies is finally lost in 2022. In previous years, blockchain commencement-ups issued their ain cryptocurrencies and collected fabulous sums from many stupid people, some of whom telephone call themselves investors. Driven by greed and promise for quick wealth, blockchain companies threw money downward their throats. However, they forgot the most important economic rule: Every practiced business needs a coherent business organization model. That was missing from 99% of the blockchain companies. By 2022, disillusionment was spreading and investors were getting smarter. The procedure was painful but definitely beneficial. What we are seeing now are great new projects of high quality.<\/p>\northward\northward

Probably the about of import striking in 2022 was Marker Zuckerberg's cryptocurrency project Libra, and it did so several times: The foundation was established in Switzerland. Mastercard, Visa, Paypal board equally partners. Fundamental banks castigate Libra as a \"danger to the financial organisation.\" Politicians denounce Facebook equally a data killer. In October, the bomb exploded: Visa, Mastercard and Paypal got cold feet, they get out the projection. Libra's merit is certainly that now finally western cardinal banks are waking up and thinking nigh their own digital currency projects. And this is absolutely necessary for the survival of the western market economy because at that place is already a lot of activeness in the East: I was impressed past the targeted use of blockchain engineering science past China. The Chinese are not just talking and complaining. They are implementing: The Chinese regime is already testing a digital yuan\/renminbi with over 500,000 companies in the two industrial cities of Shenzhen and Suzhou from 2022. The aim is to simplify the sending of invoices, brand immediate payments, and likewise meliorate the payment of salaries and social security. The taxation system volition be considerably simplified. If the USA and Europe exercise not apace promote innovation and create improved framework conditions, nosotros will lose this competition and volition have to implement Chinese standards after.<\/p>\n\n\n\due north\n\north\north\n\northward\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\north","title_es":"","content_es":"\northward\n\n\north\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\north\due north\north\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\north","title_de":"Robert Schwertner, Influencer","content_de":"


&nbsp;<\/p>\due north\northward

Die Situation der Krypto-Industrie 2022: Dice Luft ist raus! The Party Is Over. Die magische Anziehungskraft von Kryptow&auml;hrungen ging 2022 endg&uuml;ltg verloren. In den Vorjahren legten Blockchain-Startups ihre eigenen Kryptow&auml;hrungen auf und sammelten sagenhafte Summen von vielen dummen Menschen, manche davon nennen sich Investoren, ein. Getrieben von Gier und Hoffnung auf schnellen Reichtum warf man Blockchain-Unternehmen das Geld in den Rachen. Allerdings verga&szlig; human auf die wichtigste &ouml;konomische Regel: Zu jedem guten Gesch&auml;ft geh&ouml;rt ein schl&uuml;ssiges Gesch&auml;ftsmodell. Das fehlte 99 Prozent der Blockchain-Firmen. 2022 machte sich nun Ern&uuml;chterung breit, und Investoren wurden kl&uuml;ger. Der Prozess war schmerzvoll doch definitiv heilsam. Was wir derzeit sehen, sind gro&szlig;artige neue Projekte mit hoher Qualit&auml;t.<\/p>\n\n

Dice wohl wichtigste Schlagziele machte in 2022 das Kryptow&auml;hrungsprojekt Libra von Marking Zuckerberg, und das gleich mehrmals: Gr&uuml;ndung der Foundation in der Schweiz. Mastercard, Visa, Paypal boarden als Partner. Zentralbanken gei&szlig;eln Libra als &bdquo;Gefahr f&uuml;r das Finanzsystem&ldquo;. Politiker prangern Facebook als Datenkrake an. Im Oktober platzte die Bombe: Visa, Mastercard und Paypal hatten kalte F&uuml;&szlig;e bekommen, sie verlassen das Projekt. Libras&nbsp;Verdienst ist sicherlich, dass nun endlich westliche Zentralbanken aufwachen und &uuml;ber eigene digitale W&auml;hrungsprojekte nachdenken.<\/p>\n\due north

Und das ist absolut notwendig f&uuml;r das &Uuml;berleben der westlich gepr&auml;gten Marktwirtschaft. Denn im Osten herrscht schon rege Betriebsamkeit: Beeindruckt hat mich, wie zielgerichtet Prc Blockchain-Technologie einsetzt. Dice Chinesen reden nicht nur und beklagen sich. Sie setzen um: Die chinesische Regierung testet ab 2022 in den zwei Industriest&auml;dten Shenzhen und Suzhou bereits einen digitalen Yuan\/Renminbi mit &uuml;ber 500.000 Unternehmen. Es soll zu Vereinfachung bei der Versendung von Rechnungen kommen, Sofortzahlungen, und auch verbesserte Zahlung von Geh&auml;ltern und Sozialversicherung. Das Steuerwesen wird wesentlich vereinfacht. Wenn die U.s.a. und Europa nicht schleunigst Innovationen f&ouml;rdern&nbsp;und verbesserte Rahmenbedingungen schaffen, werden wir diesen Wettbewerb verlieren und m&uuml;ssen sp&auml;ter chinesische Standards umsetzen.<\/p>\n\n\due north\n\due north\n\n\n\north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\due north\n\northward\north\due north\northward\north\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\north\n\n\n\north","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\north\northward\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n\due north\northward\n\north\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\due north\n\northward\n\n\n\n\north\n\due north\n\n\n\northward\n\due north","created_at":"2020-01-06 xviii:26:fifty","updated_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\northward\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\north\n\north\north\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\due north\north\n\n\due north\n\due north\northward\northward\n\north\northward\n\due north\northward"}},{"id":992,"post_id":37592,"title":"Lex Sokolin, Co-head of global fintech at ConsenSys","content":"


2019 has been a yr of progress for blockchain, cryptocurrencies and digital assets. In that location has been significant advancement led by both decentralized communities and centralized institutions.<\/p>\n\n

Kickoff, decentralized finance is start to take root globally. DeFi protocols now enable savings and lending, commutation and trading, and synthetic structured products. We count over 200 stablecoin projects, about of which run on Ethereum. Over $500 meg is currently locked in DeFi, powering a variety of capital markets applications.<\/p>\northward\n

More traditional assets from existent manor to fine art, securities to bonds, are at present transacted using tokenized fiscal instruments over public and private open up-source blockchains. The market share for DeFi has only just begun.<\/p>\n\n

Institutions, whether enterprise or fifty-fifty government bodies, accept clearly signaled their interest. Early in the twelvemonth, JPMorgan announced their JPM Coin for improve interbank settlement. This was followed by Facebook&rsquo;s declaration of Libra, which accelerated developments from the Chinese and U.Southward. governments.<\/p>\n\n

ConsenSys released Codefi (Commerce and Decentralized Finance) in September this year every bit the start full product suite of fintech tools to help companies and organizations with their blockchain and digitalization journeying. For instance, nosotros helped Mata Capital tokenize a unmarried real manor fund asset, backed past ownership of a building in Paris, for an investment sum of 26 million euros.<\/p>\north\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\northward\n\n\north\n\n\north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 xviii:28:49","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","sort":34,"translations":{"id":985,"explained_post_id":992,"title_en":"Lex Sokolin, Co-head of global fintech at ConsenSys","content_en":"


2019 has been a year of progress for blockchain, cryptocurrencies and digital assets. There has been meaning advancement led past both decentralized communities and centralized institutions.<\/p>\due north\n

First, decentralized finance is get-go to take root globally. DeFi protocols at present enable savings and lending, exchange and trading, and synthetic structured products. We count over 200 stablecoin projects, almost of which run on Ethereum. Over $500 million is currently locked in DeFi, powering a variety of uppercase markets applications.<\/p>\n\northward

More traditional assets from real estate to fine art, securities to bonds, are now transacted using tokenized financial instruments over public and private open up-source blockchains. The market place share for DeFi has only only begun.<\/p>\n\n

Institutions, whether enterprise or fifty-fifty government bodies, take conspicuously signaled their involvement. Early in the twelvemonth, JPMorgan announced their JPM Coin for better interbank settlement. This was followed by Facebook&rsquo;s announcement of Libra, which accelerated developments from the Chinese and U.S. governments.<\/p>\due north\n

ConsenSys released Codefi (Commerce and Decentralized Finance) in September this year as the first total product suite of fintech tools to help companies and organizations with their blockchain and digitalization journeying. For instance, we helped Mata Upper-case letter tokenize a unmarried real manor fund asset, backed by ownership of a building in Paris, for an investment sum of 26 1000000 euros.<\/p>\n\n\due north\n\n\north\n\northward\north\northward\north\northward\due north\due north\n\n\n\due north","title_es":"","content_es":"\north\n\n\northward\n\n\due north\due north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\northward\north\northward\n\northward\n\n\n\n\northward\n\north\n","title_de":"Lex Sokolin, Co-Leiter der globalen Fintech bei ConsenSys","content_de":"


2019 war ein Jahr des Fortschrittes f&uuml;r Blockchain, Kryptow&auml;hrungen und digitale Verm&ouml;genswerte. Dabei gab es bedeutende Entwicklungen, die sowohl von dezentralisierten Communities als auch von zentralisierten Unternehmen vorangetrieben wurden.<\/p>\n\n

Erstens kann das Dezentralisierte Finanzwesen weltweit immer mehr Fu&szlig; fassen. Dice neuesten DeFi-Protokolle erm&ouml;glichen Sparen, Kreditvergabe und Handel von Kryptow&auml;hrungen und Krypto-Finanzprodukten. Wir z&auml;hlen mittlerweile mehr als 200 Stablecoins, von denen die meisten auf Ethereum basieren. Dezentralisierte Finanzdienstleistungen haben derzeit einen Marktwert von mehr als 500 Mio. US-Dollar und sie kommen bereits in vielen Bereichen des Finanzwesens zum Einsatz.<\/p>\due north\n

So werden klassische Verm&ouml;genswerte wie zum Beispiel Immobilien, Kunst, Aktien oder Anleihen mittlerweile per Blockchain &bdquo;tokenisiert&ldquo; bzw. in Krypto-Tokens verpackt. Das Interessante: Der Markteintritt der Dezentralisierten Finanzdienstleistungen steht noch ganz am Anfang.<\/p>\n\n

Viele Institutionen haben bereits ihr Interesse signalisiert, von gro&szlig;en Unternehmen bis hin zu Regierungsbeh&ouml;rden. So lid JP Morgan zu Beginn des vergangenen Jahres den JPM Coin angek&uuml;ndigt, der Transaktionsabwicklungen zwischen Banken beschleunigen soll. Danach hat Facebook die firmeneigene Kryptow&auml;hrung Libra vorgestellt, was wiederum dazu beigetragen chapeau, dass die Regierungen in Cathay und den U.s. ihre Bem&uuml;hungen hinsichtlich einer Digitalw&auml;hrung intensiviert haben.<\/p>\n\northward

ConsenSys chapeau im September 2022 Codefi (Commerce and Decentralized Finance) herausgebracht. Das erste Leistungsangebot an Fintech-Tools, das Unternehmen und Organisationen vollumf&auml;nglich bei der Digitalisierung und Blockchain-Implementierung unterst&uuml;tzt. Wir haben zum Beispiel Mata Capital dabei geholfen, einen Immobilienfonds zu tokenisieren, der von einer Immobilie in Paris, die einen Wert von 26 Mio. Euro lid, gedeckt wird.<\/p>\northward\n\n\north\northward\northward\n\n\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\n\n\n\due north\northward\n\north\due north\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\northward\n\north\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\northward\n\n\n\due north\north\northward","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\due north\due north\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:28:49","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\n\due north\n\n\northward\n\due north\n\n\n\n\north\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\due north\due north\n\northward\north\northward\north\n\due north\n\n\n\n\due north\n\due north"}},{"id":993,"post_id":37592,"championship":"Ulli Spankowski, Principal digital officer at Boerse Stuttgart","content":"


In my view, the crypto and digital asset industry 2022 adult very positively. We welcome the progressive acceptance on the retail and institutional side, too every bit regulatory further development of the crypto manufacture. The blockchain strategy of High german Federal government, the announcement of Libra and the creation of the first regulated trading center for digital avails in Germany with the Boerse Stuttgart Digital Substitution are just a few highlights that point to ane positive evolution of this exciting future engineering science around blockchain and DLT. Notwithstanding, the aspect of security in the custody of cryptocurrencies has made unfortunately negative headlines in 2022 once more and volition proceed to occupy the industry in the future. But I come across hither a professionalization of the crypto industry &mdash; with emerging insurance solutions and new security concepts.<\/p>\north\due north\n\northward\n\n\northward\n\north\n\n\n\north\due north\n\n\north","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:30:58","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":35,"translations":{"id":986,"explained_post_id":993,"title_en":"Ulli Spankowski, Chief digital officer at Boerse Stuttgart","content_en":"


In my view, the crypto and digital asset industry 2022 developed very positively. We welcome the progressive acceptance on the retail and institutional side, as well as regulatory further development of the crypto industry. The blockchain strategy of German Federal government, the proclamation of Libra and the creation of the first regulated trading centre for digital avails in Frg with the Boerse Stuttgart Digital Substitution are just a few highlights that point to one positive development of this heady future engineering around blockchain and DLT. However, the attribute of security in the custody of cryptocurrencies has made unfortunately negative headlines in 2022 again and will continue to occupy the industry in the time to come. But I come across hither a professionalization of the crypto manufacture &mdash; with emerging insurance solutions and new security concepts.<\/p>\due north\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\northward\n\north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\n\n\due north\north\n\due north\n\n\northward\northward\n\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\north\northward\north\n\n\n\northward","title_de":"Ulli Spankowski, Principal Digital Officer bei der Börse Stuttgart","content_de":"


Aus unserer Sicht lid sich die Krypto- und Digital-Nugget- Industrie 2022 sehr positiv weiterentwickelt. Zu begr&uuml;&szlig;en sind die fortschreitende Akzeptanz auf Retail- und institutioneller Seite sowie die regulatorische Weiterentwicklung der Krypto-Industrie. Dice Blockchain-Strategie der Bundesregierung, dice Ank&uuml;ndigung von Libra sowie die Schaffung des ersten regulierten Handelsplatzes f&uuml;r digitales Assets in Deutschland mit der Boerse Stuttgart Digital Exchange sind nur einige Highlights, die auf eine entsprechend positive Weiterentwicklung dieser spannenden Zukunftstechnologie rund um Blockchain und DLT hinweisen. Allerdings lid der Aspekt Sicherheit bei der Verwahrung von Kryptow&auml;hrungen leider auch 2022 wieder negative Schlagzeilen gemacht und wird die Industrie zuk&uuml;nftig weiter besch&auml;ftigen. Aber auch hier sehen wir mit aufkommenden Versicherungsl&ouml;sungen und neuartigen Sicherheitskonzepten eine Professionalisierung der Krypto-Industrie.<\/p>\due north\n\n\northward\due north\n\northward\n\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\due north\n\due north\northward\n\due north\north\due north\north\north\n\northward\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\northward\n\n\northward\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\n\northward\n\n\n\north\northward\n\due north\n\n\n\north\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\north\north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\north\n\n\n\north","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:30:58","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\north\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\n\n\n\north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\northward\n\due north\n\north\n\northward\n\n\due north\n\n\n\northward"}},{"id":994,"post_id":37592,"championship":"Alexandra Tinsman, NEM Foundation President","content":"


In 2022, the crypto community diameter witness to the ascension of stablecoins &mdash; a necessary development for the manufacture that indicated a movement toward KYC and regulation of exchanges, an essential requirement for mainstream adoption among traditional investors. I was likewise happy to see the progress in blockchain-based securities trading, from both a tech and regulatory perspective. The stage is existence set up for a popular blockchain use example, and I&rsquo;m excited that NEM Catapult has some special tech advantages hither.<\/p>\n\n\due north\north\due north\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\north\n\north\northward\northward","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:31:40","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":36,"translations":{"id":987,"explained_post_id":994,"title_en":"Alexandra Tinsman, NEM Foundation President","content_en":"

\"Alexandra<\/p>\due north\n

In 2022, the crypto community bore witness to the rising of stablecoins &mdash; a necessary evolution for the industry that indicated a motion toward KYC and regulation of exchanges, an essential requirement for mainstream adoption among traditional investors. I was also happy to see the progress in blockchain-based securities trading, from both a tech and regulatory perspective. The phase is being set for a popular blockchain use case, and I&rsquo;one thousand excited that NEM Catapult has some special tech advantages here.<\/p>\n\n\n\north\n\n\north\n\north\due north\due north\n\n\n\northward\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\due north\northward\due north\northward\north\due north\n\n\northward\n\n\due north\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\due north\north\n\northward\north\n\north\n\n\n\n\due north\northward","title_de":"Alexandra Tinsman, Präsident der NEM Foundation ","content_de":"


Das Jahr 2022 markiert in der Kryptobranche den Aufstieg der Stablecoins. Eine Entwicklung, die zwingend notwendig war, da die Branche dadurch zunehmend in Richtung gesetzlicher Regulierung gesteuert wurde, was eine Grundvoraussetzung f&uuml;r Massentauglichkeit ist. Des Weiteren habe ich mich gefreut, dass der Blockchain-basierte Aktienhandel im vergangenen Jahr Fortschritte gemacht hat, sowohl in technischer als auch in gesetzlicher Hinsicht. Jetzt ist dice B&uuml;hne frei f&uuml;r ein entsprechendes Blockchain-Projekt und NEM Catapult kann hier mit einigen besonderen Wettbewerbsvorteilen aufwarten.<\/p>\n\due north\n\n\northward\north\n\n\n\northward","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\due north\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\due north\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\northward\n\n\north\n\northward\northward\due north\n\northward\n\due north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\northward\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\northward\northward\n\northward\n\due north\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 eighteen:31:40","updated_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\due north\n\n\n\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\due north\n\north\n\north\n\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\north\due north\north"}},{"id":995,"post_id":37592,"title":"John Todaro, Managing director of TradeBlock","content":"


2019 was very much characterized by U.South. political involvement in digital currencies. For the beginning time, President Trump tweeted about Bitcoin, Secretary Mnuchin held a conference discussing digital currencies, and in that location were various well-attended hearings in Washington around the space. While we had seen U.Southward. regulators become involved in the space in previous years, this was the commencement twelvemonth that we saw an extensive involvement from politicians and lawmakers, including a sitting U.S. president. Some of the biggest milestones we saw this twelvemonth was proof-of-pale networks coming online, with a rise in staking of tokens to capture an almanac yield on invested assets, progress in the Lightning Network, growth of decentralized financial services as evident past the number of loans originated\/and Ether locked across these platforms, also as the launch of Bakkt'southward product offerings and others to allow for greater institutional involvement in the space. Some of the bigger setbacks of 2022 was the response of some U.S. lawmakers around Libra as they push to delay or stop the project, Prc'due south recent harsher stance on digital currency trading, and the exit of exchanges from U.South. markets, including Poloniex and Binance.&nbsp;<\/p>\n\northward\n\n\due north\n\n\n\due north\n\northward\northward\northward\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 eighteen:32:23","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":37,"translations":{"id":988,"explained_post_id":995,"title_en":"John Todaro, Managing director of TradeBlock","content_en":"


2019 was very much characterized by U.S. political interest in digital currencies. For the first time, President Trump tweeted about Bitcoin, Secretarial assistant Mnuchin held a conference discussing digital currencies, and there were various well-attended hearings in Washington around the space. While we had seen U.S. regulators become involved in the space in previous years, this was the starting time year that nosotros saw an all-encompassing involvement from politicians and lawmakers, including a sitting U.S. president. Some of the biggest milestones we saw this yr was proof-of-stake networks coming online, with a rise in staking of tokens to capture an annual yield on invested assets, progress in the Lightning Network, growth of decentralized fiscal services every bit evident by the number of loans originated\/and Ether locked across these platforms, as well equally the launch of Bakkt's product offerings and others to allow for greater institutional involvement in the space. Some of the bigger setbacks of 2022 was the response of some U.S. lawmakers effectually Libra equally they button to delay or stop the projection, China's contempo harsher stance on digital currency trading, and the exit of exchanges from U.S. markets, including Poloniex and Binance.&nbsp;<\/p>\northward\n\north\n\due north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\north\n\n\north\due north\due north\n\n\north\n\due north\n\north\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\due north\due north\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\n\n","title_de":"John Todaro, Direktor von TradeBlock","content_de":"

\"John<\/p>\due north\n

Das Jahr 2022 der Digitalw&auml;hrungen wurde ma&szlig;geblich durch die politische Einflussnahme der US-Regierung gekennzeichnet. Pr&auml;sident Trump lid erstmals &uuml;ber Bitcoin getwittert und Finanzminister Mnuchin hat eine Pressekonferenz zu Digitalw&auml;hrungen abgehalten. Au&szlig;erdem gab es zu dem Thema viele wichtige parlamentarische Anh&ouml;rungen in Washington. W&auml;hrend die amerikanischen Aufsichtsbeh&ouml;rden sich schon in den Vorjahren mit der Krypto-Branche besch&auml;ftigt hatten, haben sich in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal auch Politiker und Parlamentarier in gro&szlig;em Ma&szlig;e mit ihr auseinandergesetzt, selbst der amtierende Pr&auml;sident lid sich zu Wort gemeldet. Zu den gr&ouml;&szlig;ten Fortschritten geh&ouml;rt in diesem Jahr, dass mehrere Proof-Of-Stake Netzwerke online gegangen sind, was auch einen Zuwachs im Staking von Kryptow&auml;hrungen ausgel&ouml;st hat. Zudem wurde das Lightning Network weiterentwickelt, dezentralisierte Finanzdienstleistungen haben einen ordentlichen Sprung gemacht und zu guter Letzt haben die neuen Krypto-Finanzprodukte von der Bakkt und &auml;hnlichen Handelsplattformen daf&uuml;r gesorgt, dass immer mehr institutionelles Geld in die Branche flie&szlig;t. Die gro&szlig;en R&uuml;ckschl&auml;ge waren derweil dice harsche Kritik der US-Regierung an Facebook-Libra, das verst&auml;rkte Vorgehen der chinesischen Regierung gegen den heimischen Krypto-Handel und der R&uuml;ckzug einiger Kryptob&ouml;rsen vom US-Markt, darunter Poloniex und Binance.<\/p>\n\n\north\n\due north\north\north\n\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\due north\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\north\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\northward\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\due north\due north\north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\northward\n\north\n\due north\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\northward\n\n\northward\due north\n\northward\n\n\northward\n\n\due north\n\due north","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:32:23","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\n\due north\n\n\north\northward\north\n\north\n\n\n\north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\northward\n\due north\n\northward\due north\n\northward\n\due north\northward\n\n\n"}},{"id":996,"post_id":37592,"title":"Erik Voorhees, CEO of Shapeshift","content":"


2019 was pretty conspicuously a year of consolidation after the bear-marketplace misery yr of 2022. The biggest event of the year has to be the formal announcement of Facebook&rsquo;s Libra, due to the shockwaves information technology sent beyond the world. If governments and banks weren&rsquo;t paying attention to this technology before, they sure as hell are at present. Amazingly, Libra has taken much of the antagonism away from Bitcoin.<\/p>\n\n

Beyond Libra, the big story is the DeFi miracle: stablecoins and interest-bearing accounts that are significantly decentralized. In a globe of increasingly negative involvement rates, DeFi is a bright spot, bringing borrowers and lenders together, regardless of their jurisdiction, and without the involvement of whatever banking concern or government. DeFi is still early and full of risks, but it is a beautiful thing to watch.<\/p>\n\due north\due north\n\northward\north\n\n\n\northward\n\n\northward\due north\n\n\northward","created_at":"2020-01-06 xviii:33:04","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":38,"translations":{"id":989,"explained_post_id":996,"title_en":"Erik Voorhees, CEO of Shapeshift","content_en":"


2019 was pretty clearly a twelvemonth of consolidation later on the bear-market misery year of 2022. The biggest effect of the twelvemonth has to be the formal annunciation of Facebook&rsquo;south Libra, due to the shockwaves it sent across the earth. If governments and banks weren&rsquo;t paying attention to this technology earlier, they sure as hell are at present. Amazingly, Libra has taken much of the antagonism away from Bitcoin.<\/p>\n\northward

Beyond Libra, the big story is the DeFi phenomenon: stablecoins and involvement-begetting accounts that are significantly decentralized. In a world of increasingly negative interest rates, DeFi is a vivid spot, bringing borrowers and lenders together, regardless of their jurisdiction, and without the involvement of any banking concern or authorities. DeFi is withal early and full of risks, but it is a beautiful thing to lookout.<\/p>\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\north\n\n\northward\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\due north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\n\due north\northward\n\n\northward\due north\n\north\due north\n\north","title_de":"Erik Voorhees, CEO bei Shapeshift","content_de":"

\"Erik<\/p>\due north\northward

Im Jahr 2022 hat sich der Kryptomarkt wieder stabilisiert, nachdem das Jahr 2022 ganz schlecht state of war. Das wichtigste Ereignis state of war wohl die offizielle Ank&uuml;ndigung von Facebook-Libra, da dies auf der ganzen Welt f&uuml;r Aufmerksamkeit gesorgt hat. Regierungen und Banken haben der Krypto-Technologie zuvor nicht viel Beachtung geschenkt, aber das lid sich jetzt ganz sicher ge&auml;ndert. Erstaunlicherweise hat Libra viel von der Kritik an Bitcoin weggenommen.<\/p>\n\n

Neben Libra sind die Dezentralisierten Finanzdienstleistungen (DeFi) das zweite gro&szlig;e Thema des Jahres. Besonders Stablecoins und Krypto-Sparkonten mit Zinsertr&auml;gen standen dabei im Mittelpunkt. In einer Welt mit negativen Leitzinsen 1000&ouml;nnen die Dezentralisierten Finanzdienstleistungen Kreditgeber und Kreditnehmer zusammenbringen,<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\due north\north\n\n\northward","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\northward\due north\northward\due north\northward\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\northward\due north\n\n\n\northward\n\north\northward\n\n\north\northward","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\n\n\northward\n\n\due north\n\n\n\northward\north\n\n\northward","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\northward\n\north\due north\north\due north\northward\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:33:04","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\n\northward\due north\due north\northward\northward\n\n\due north\northward\n\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\n\north\northward\north\due north\n\n\due north\north\n\n\n"}},{"id":997,"post_id":37592,"title":"Whale Alert","content":"


In 2022, we again saw some very high volatility with Bitcoin prices ranging betwixt $3K and $13K. While this made for some notable headlines and great trading opportunities, cost swings similar these have a spooky effect on adoption and I promise to run into more stability in 2022.<\/p>\north\due north

A big setback for crypto in general were the many successful hacks attacks aimed at exchanges. It was disappointing to see that at least in a few cases the bear upon of these hacks could have been lessened or even prevented by adoption of better security models. Withal, what was actually important was that some of these hacked parties, like Binance, managed to blot the losses and connected to operate normally. No one will always be completely immune to hacks, but demonstrating that being hacked won't necessarily impact client funds was a huge win for crypto.<\/p>\n\n

All things considered, I think that 2022 was a not bad year that brought usa an increment in adoption with more people using cryptocurrencies and more companies offer payment options through crypto, just also some great applications from the fintech manufacture, like the start bond settlement on blockchain.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\due north\due north\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\northward","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:33:42","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":39,"translations":{"id":990,"explained_post_id":997,"title_en":"Whale Alert","content_en":"


In 2022, we again saw some very high volatility with Bitcoin prices ranging between $3K and $13K. While this made for some notable headlines and great trading opportunities, toll swings like these accept a chilling event on adoption and I hope to see more stability in 2022.<\/p>\north\n

A large setback for crypto in full general were the many successful hacks attacks aimed at exchanges. Information technology was disappointing to come across that at to the lowest degree in a few cases the impact of these hacks could have been lessened or even prevented past adoption of improve security models. However, what was really important was that some of these hacked parties, like Binance, managed to blot the losses and connected to operate commonly. No i will ever be completely immune to hacks, just demonstrating that being hacked won't necessarily touch customer funds was a huge win for crypto.<\/p>\n\due north

All things considered, I think that 2022 was a nifty year that brought us an increase in adoption with more people using cryptocurrencies and more companies offer payment options through crypto, but besides some keen applications from the fintech industry, like the first bail settlement on blockchain.<\/p>\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\due north\n\northward\due north\n\northward\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\northward\n\n\n\n\due north\n\north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\due north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\north\northward\n\due north\due north\north\n\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\n","title_de":"Whale Alert","content_de":"


Im Jahr 2022 gab es wieder hohe Volatilit&auml;t auf den Kryptom&auml;rkten, wobei Bitcoin zwischen 3.000 und 13.000 U.s.a.-Dollar geschwankt hat. Obwohl dies zwar f&uuml;r Schlagzeilen und ein paar gute Handelsm&ouml;glichkeiten gesorgt hat, sind Schwankungen in dieser Gr&ouml;&szlig;enordnung jedoch eher Gift f&uuml;r die Massentauglichkeit, weshalb ich f&uuml;r das Jahr 2022 auf etwas mehr Stabilit&auml;t hoffe.<\/p>\n\northward

Ein gro&szlig;er R&uuml;ckschritt f&uuml;r die Kryptobranche waren dice vielen erfolgreichen Hackerangriffe auf Kryptob&ouml;rsen. Es war ganz sch&ouml;northward ern&uuml;chternd, dass diese Hacks in ein paar F&auml;llen deutlich abgefedert oder sogar ganz&nbsp;verhindert werden g&ouml;nnen, wenn bessere Sicherheitsma&szlig;nahmen getroffen worden w&auml;ren. Allerdings war der Hoffnungsschimmer, dass einige Kryptob&ouml;rsen, wie zum Beispiel Binance, dice Verluste eines Hacks problemlos abfangen und den Gesch&auml;ftsbetrieb normal weiterf&uuml;hren konnten. Kryptob&ouml;rsen werden niemals v&ouml;llig immun gegen Hackerangriffe sein, aber da sie zumindest vereinzelt demonstrieren konnten, dass die Gelder der Kunden nichtsdestotrotz abgesichert sind, haben sie dennoch einen wichtigen Fortschritt gemacht.<\/p>\n\n

Insgesamt finde ich, dass 2022 ein erfolgreiches Jahr state of war, in dem die Massentauglichkeit vorangetrieben wurde. So nutzen immer mehr Menschen Kryptow&auml;hrungen und Unternehmen bieten zunehmend Kryptow&auml;hrungen als Zahlungsoption an. Zudem gibt es ein paar interessante Fortschritte im Finanzdienstleistungsbereich, wie zum Beispiel dice erstmalige Abwicklung von Anleihen per Blockchain.<\/p>\n\northward\n\north\north\n\n\n\northward\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\due north\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\north\due north\n\north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\n\north\north\northward\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\due north\n\n\n\n\n\northward\due north\n\n\n\northward\north\n\due north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\due north\n\due north\n\n\n\due north\due north\n\n\due north\n\north\n","created_at":"2020-01-06 18:33:42","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\north\n\due north\north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\due north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\n\north\north\north\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\n"}},{"id":999,"post_id":37592,"title":"Sebastian Borget, Co-founder and chief operations officer at The Sandbox","content":"


The growth of DeFi and Blockchain Gaming have made the biggest impression on me. I think 2022 has been a very proficient year overall for the industry to focus on edifice products, communities and adoptions and find an actual market for their products. The quality of projects overall has risen, which nosotros are very happy to see.<\/p>\due north\due north\due north\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:31:19","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":twoscore,"translations":{"id":992,"explained_post_id":999,"title_en":"Sebastian Borget, Co-founder and chief operations officer at The Sandbox","content_en":"


The growth of DeFi and Blockchain Gaming take made the biggest impression on me. I call up 2022 has been a very practiced year overall for the industry to focus on building products, communities and adoptions and find an bodily market place for their products. The quality of projects overall has risen, which we are very happy to see.<\/p>\n\due north\northward\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\northward\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\north\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:31:19","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n"}},{"id":chiliad,"post_id":37592,"title":"Benedikt Bünz, Co-founder of Findora","content":"

\"Benedikt<\/p>\due north\n

I think at that place is a lot of development happening under the hood and a lot of heady technological progress has happened. Additionally, large actors like Facebook and the Chinese authorities have announced that they are very interested in the place and are edifice new projects. This is very exciting, as it shows that the place is getting more and more professional. Unfortunately in terms of adoption, this year wasn&rsquo;t the breakthrough that people had hoped for. We still need to meliorate usability such that more than and more people can effectively utilize cryptocurrencies<\/p>\due north\north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:33:11","updated_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:58:06","sort":41,"translations":{"id":993,"explained_post_id":1000,"title_en":"Benedikt Bünz, Co-founder of Findora","content_en":"


I think there is a lot of development happening nether the hood and a lot of exciting technological progress has happened. Additionally, big actors like Facebook and the Chinese government have appear that they are very interested in the place and are edifice new projects. This is very heady, as it shows that the identify is getting more than and more professional. Unfortunately in terms of adoption, this year wasn&rsquo;t the breakthrough that people had hoped for. Nosotros notwithstanding need to amend usability such that more than and more than people tin can finer use cryptocurrencies<\/p>\due north\n\n\due north","title_es":"","content_es":"\due north\north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\due north","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\northward\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:33:eleven","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\n"}},{"id":1001,"post_id":37592,"title":"David Chaum, Founder of Elixxir","content":"


The biggest development in 2022 is the growing public sensation of the vital role that privacy plays in our digital lives, and how poorly the big consumer networks preserve and protect our privacy. This public focus on privacy is a tremendous opportunity for the blockchain community to entreatment to these users, provided that nosotros tin can offer solutions that satisfy their needs.<\/p>\due north\northward

Also, Google announced a breakthrough in the development of breakthrough computing, which raises the bar for cryptographic protocols that have been used for blockchains and cryptocurrencies. In that location is now a real challenge to the customs to deliver quantum secure decentralized platforms and currencies to avoid command of these platforms past private and government entities with quantum computing capabilities.<\/p>\n\n\north\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:34:07","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":42,"translations":{"id":994,"explained_post_id":1001,"title_en":"David Chaum, Founder of Elixxir","content_en":"


The biggest development in 2022 is the growing public awareness of the vital function that privacy plays in our digital lives, and how poorly the big consumer networks preserve and protect our privacy. This public focus on privacy is a tremendous opportunity for the blockchain customs to appeal to these users, provided that we tin can offer solutions that satisfy their needs.<\/p>\n\n

Also, Google appear a quantum in the evolution of quantum computing, which raises the bar for cryptographic protocols that have been used for blockchains and cryptocurrencies. There is now a existent challenge to the community to deliver breakthrough secure decentralized platforms and currencies to avoid control of these platforms past private and authorities entities with quantum computing capabilities.<\/p>\n\northward\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\northward\due north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\north","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:34:07","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\north\due north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\n"}},{"id":1002,"post_id":37592,"title":"Adam Ficsor, CEO of Wasabi Wallet","content":"


I believe the enhance and stabilization work on the Lightning Network and Wasabi wallet are the nearly important milestones, where the start is advancing Bitcoin's portability and fungibility, while the latter is advancing its fungibility. As well note, I may be slightly biased on the latter:)<\/p>\n\north\due north\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:38:26","updated_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:58:06","sort":43,"translations":{"id":995,"explained_post_id":1002,"title_en":"Adam Ficsor, CEO of Wasabi Wallet","content_en":"

\"Adam<\/p>\n\due north

I believe the raise and stabilization work on the Lightning Network and Wasabi wallet are the near of import milestones, where the beginning is advancing Bitcoin's portability and fungibility, while the latter is advancing its fungibility. Also note, I may be slightly biased on the latter:)<\/p>\n\n\due north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\due north\northward","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\northward","title_br":"","content_br":"\north\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\northward","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:38:26","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\north"}},{"id":1003,"post_id":37592,"title":"Joshua Frank, CEO of The Necktie","content":"


2019 was a mixed pocketbook for digital avails. On the one mitt, we accept seen tremendous technological developments in terms of infrastructure for traditional institutions looking to trade digital avails. Nosotros take seen improvements in custody, execution, information and more. Notwithstanding, 2022 can be characterized by a sharp decline in retail interest and disappointing institutional interest.&nbsp;<\/p>\n\n

The biggest milestones were the launch of Bakkt and Fidelity Digital Avails. The biggest setback has been regulatory incertitude in the U.s.. While China&rsquo;due south anti-crypto stance was a net-negative for the manufacture, information technology was not surprising.<\/p>\n\due north

I have been very impressed by a few developments within the space. The first is Bitwise Asset Management&rsquo;south focus on attracting registered investment advisors and family offices to allocate to digital assets. I am as well excited nigh the developments being made that enable institutional investors to trade out of common cold storage.<\/p>\n\due north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 xix:38:58","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":44,"translations":{"id":996,"explained_post_id":1003,"title_en":"Joshua Frank, CEO of The TIE","content_en":"


2019 was a mixed bag for digital assets. On the one hand, we take seen tremendous technological developments in terms of infrastructure for traditional institutions looking to trade digital assets. We have seen improvements in custody, execution, information and more. However, 2022 tin be characterized past a sharp decline in retail interest and disappointing institutional involvement.&nbsp;<\/p>\due north\n

The biggest milestones were the launch of Bakkt and Fidelity Digital Assets. The biggest setback has been regulatory dubiousness in the United States. While China&rsquo;due south anti-crypto stance was a internet-negative for the manufacture, information technology was non surprising.<\/p>\n\n

I take been very impressed past a few developments within the space. The first is Bitwise Asset Direction&rsquo;s focus on attracting registered investment advisors and family offices to allocate to digital avails. I am also excited about the developments being made that enable institutional investors to trade out of cold storage.<\/p>\n\northward\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\due north\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:38:58","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\due north\due north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n"}},{"id":1004,"post_id":37592,"title":"Mati Greenspan, Founder of Breakthrough Economics","content":"


Overall, 2022 was a very positive year for Bitcoin and crypto. The biggest milestone by far was the announcement from Chinese President Eleven Jinping that he would like to come across Prc embracing blockchain technology. This is clearly a watershed moment for this growing industry.<\/p>\north\north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 xix:39:42","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":45,"translations":{"id":997,"explained_post_id":1004,"title_en":"Mati Greenspan, Founder of Quantum Economics","content_en":"

\"Mati<\/p>\northward\due north

Overall, 2022 was a very positive year for Bitcoin and crypto. The biggest milestone by far was the announcement from Chinese President 11 Jinping that he would like to run across Prc embracing blockchain engineering. This is conspicuously a watershed moment for this growing industry.<\/p>\n\n\north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\due north\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\northward\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\northward","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\northward\due north","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\northward","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:39:42","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n"}},{"id":1005,"post_id":37592,"championship":"John Jefferies, CFA at CipherTrace","content":"


2019 was the year that the crypto industry was told to grow up by regulators around the world. Travel Rule enforcement is simultaneously the biggest milestone and the biggest setback for crypto. It has and volition keep to force a level of maturity that volition enable the manufacture to grow into an institutionally accepted asset grade that is adopted by the masses for payments. It too presents an existential threat for many exchanges and poses potential privacy issues for users. The Travel Rule compliance operations volition exist plush even with open-source software similar Trisa.<\/p>\north\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:41:00","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","sort":46,"translations":{"id":998,"explained_post_id":1005,"title_en":"John Jefferies, CFA at CipherTrace","content_en":"

\"John<\/p>\n\due north

2019 was the year that the crypto industry was told to grow up by regulators around the world. Travel Dominion enforcement is simultaneously the biggest milestone and the biggest setback for crypto. It has and will go along to force a level of maturity that will enable the industry to grow into an institutionally accepted asset class that is adopted by the masses for payments. It also presents an existential threat for many exchanges and poses potential privacy issues for users. The Travel Rule compliance operations will be costly even with open-source software like Trisa.<\/p>\n\n\due north\due north","title_es":"","content_es":"\due north\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\north\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:41:00","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\north"}},{"id":1006,"post_id":37592,"championship":"Tal Kol, Co-founder of Orbs","content":"


The big surprise of 2022 was the say-so of enterprise blockchain solutions. While many 2022&ndash;2018 startups took a beating this year, there was a steady interest in blockchain engineering science from the enterprise sector, which has traditionally led much of the experimentation of emerging technologies due to its vast resources and reach. The biggest development, nonetheless, is the growing realization by corporations that the existent value driving innovation is in public, permissionless blockchain and not in private DLTS. Whether its EY developing exclusively on Ethereum mainnet or the many post-individual POCs looking for a public implementation for their use-case, I believe these milestones volition make 2022, seen in retrospect, as the year where existing businesses congenital the foundation for mass adoption of blockchain applied science.<\/p>\n\n\northward\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 xix:41:34","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":47,"translations":{"id":999,"explained_post_id":1006,"title_en":"Tal Kol, Co-founder of Orbs","content_en":"


The big surprise of 2022 was the dominance of enterprise blockchain solutions. While many 2022&ndash;2018 startups took a chirapsia this year, there was a steady interest in blockchain technology from the enterprise sector, which has traditionally led much of the experimentation of emerging technologies due to its vast resource and achieve. The biggest development, however, is the growing realization past corporations that the real value driving innovation is in public, permissionless blockchain and not in private DLTS. Whether its EY developing exclusively on Ethereum mainnet or the many postal service-private POCs looking for a public implementation for their utilise-case, I believe these milestones volition make 2022, seen in retrospect, as the year where existing businesses built the foundation for mass adoption of blockchain technology.<\/p>\n\n\northward\due north","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\northward\northward","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\due north","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:41:34","updated_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\northward","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\north"}},{"id":1007,"post_id":37592,"title":"Evan Luthra, Serial tech entrepreneur, founder of and","content":"


2019 was full of significant events for the crypto manufacture: the launch of institutional giants Bakkt and Fidelity Digital Assets, the boom of STO, IEO and DeFi, the next, albeit not prolonged, Bitcoin rally. Notwithstanding, in that location were unpleasant moments. Numerous scams and the closure of a large number of exchanges. For example, in Republic of india, under the pressure of regulators and the refusal of banking services, Koinex, the state'due south largest Bitcoin commutation, has airtight. This was preceded by the liquidation of the Coindelta trading platform for the same reasons.<\/p>\n\north

I was impressed by the prospects of a make-new trend &mdash; staking. And I think that 2022 will bear witness that the possibilities of cryptocurrency are much greater than information technology is considered. And digital money, which allows you to receive passive income, can become #i in the blockchain industry very presently.<\/p>\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:42:l","updated_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:58:06","sort":48,"translations":{"id":1000,"explained_post_id":1007,"title_en":"Evan Luthra, Serial tech entrepreneur, founder of and","content_en":"


2019 was full of pregnant events for the crypto industry: the launch of institutional giants Bakkt and Fidelity Digital Assets, the boom of STO, IEO and DeFi, the next, albeit non prolonged, Bitcoin rally. However, at that place were unpleasant moments. Numerous scams and the closure of a big number of exchanges. For example, in India, under the pressure level of regulators and the refusal of banking services, Koinex, the land'due south largest Bitcoin exchange, has closed. This was preceded past the liquidation of the Coindelta trading platform for the same reasons.<\/p>\n\northward

I was impressed past the prospects of a make-new trend &mdash; staking. And I call up that 2022 volition show that the possibilities of cryptocurrency are much greater than it is considered. And digital coin, which allows y'all to receive passive income, can become #one in the blockchain industry very shortly.<\/p>\n\n\north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\northward","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:42:50","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\northward"}},{"id":1008,"post_id":37592,"title":"Diogo Monica, Co-founder and president of Anchorage","content":"


2019 was a twelvemonth of infrastructure-building &mdash; from new custodial technologies and decentralized protocols to innovative payments capabilities, like Lightning Network, engineers accept been working difficult to develop the necessary plumbing for the emerging digital asset financial system. 2022 was also a year of mainstream validation with Facebook, JPMorgan, Fidelity, Telegram and other corporations piloting or actively building blockchain projects. Institutional interest heralds a bright futurity for the unabridged crypto sector, and we expect to see more institutions entering the space in 2022.<\/p>\n\n\n\north","created_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:43:31","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":49,"translations":{"id":1001,"explained_post_id":1008,"title_en":"Diogo Monica, Co-founder and president of Anchorage","content_en":"


2019 was a year of infrastructure-building &mdash; from new custodial technologies and decentralized protocols to innovative payments capabilities, like Lightning Network, engineers have been working hard to develop the necessary plumbing for the emerging digital asset financial arrangement. 2022 was also a yr of mainstream validation with Facebook, JPMorgan, Fidelity, Telegram and other corporations piloting or actively building blockchain projects. Institutional involvement heralds a bright future for the entire crypto sector, and we expect to see more institutions entering the space in 2022.<\/p>\n\due north\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\north\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\due north\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\north\northward","title_it":"","content_it":"\due north\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\due north","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\northward\northward","created_at":"2020-01-07 xix:43:31","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\northward\due north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\due north\n"}},{"id":1009,"post_id":37592,"title":"Kim Nilsson, Blockchain researcher at WizSec","content":"

\"Kim<\/p>\due north\north

We're wrapping upwardly one more year that Bitcoin'southward been around, despite standing predictions of its imminent demise. The post-2017 bear market still drags on, simply I'yard not thinking about cost too much; right now, Bitcoin only needs to be valued high enough to pay for its ain security while the adjacent generation of improvements, similar Lightning Network, are beingness developed. It's been a crude year for altcoins though, whose value seems to be much more speculative.<\/p>\n\n

If anything, the fact that Bitcoin is enduring such setbacks rather than collapsing seems to have further raised mainstream sensation that it's here to stay and not merely a bubble. There's been increasing attention and recognition from politicians and other public figures, and mega-companies, like Facebook, are starting to make plays for this new market.<\/p>\n\northward\north\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:44:39","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","sort":50,"translations":{"id":1002,"explained_post_id":1009,"title_en":"Kim Nilsson, Blockchain researcher at WizSec","content_en":"


Nosotros're wrapping up ane more year that Bitcoin's been around, despite continuing predictions of its imminent demise. The post-2017 bear market still drags on, just I'thousand not thinking near price also much; right at present, Bitcoin merely needs to be valued high enough to pay for its own security while the next generation of improvements, like Lightning Network, are being adult. It'southward been a rough twelvemonth for altcoins though, whose value seems to be much more speculative.<\/p>\north\n

If annihilation, the fact that Bitcoin is enduring such setbacks rather than collapsing seems to accept further raised mainstream awareness that it'due south hither to stay and not simply a bubble. There's been increasing attending and recognition from politicians and other public figures, and mega-companies, like Facebook, are starting to make plays for this new market place.<\/p>\n\n\n\north","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\northward\due north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\due north","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:44:39","updated_at":"2020-01-07 nineteen:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\north"}},{"id":1010,"post_id":37592,"title":"Zac Prince, CEO of BlockFi","content":"


Crypto had a bully yr in 2022 and accomplished a cardinal objective or rebounding from the lows later the big drawdown coming from the rapid rise at the terminate of 2022. The annual operation of Bitcoin in 2022 volition likely exist amend than nigh other avails, which is very positive for the sector.<\/p>\n\n

Key milestones included the launch of Bakkt, Fidelity&rsquo;s custody platform, growing adoption\/accessibility from traditional fintech companies, like Square, Robinhood and SoFi, and an infrastructure development across lending and prime brokerage type services.<\/p>\n\due north\north\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:45:xvi","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","sort":51,"translations":{"id":1003,"explained_post_id":1010,"title_en":"Zac Prince, CEO of BlockFi","content_en":"

\"Zac<\/p>\due north\n

Crypto had a great year in 2022 and achieved a cardinal objective or rebounding from the lows later on the big drawdown coming from the rapid ascension at the stop of 2022. The almanac performance of Bitcoin in 2022 will likely be ameliorate than nigh other assets, which is very positive for the sector.<\/p>\due north\northward

Fundamental milestones included the launch of Bakkt, Allegiance&rsquo;due south custody platform, growing adoption\/accessibility from traditional fintech companies, similar Foursquare, Robinhood and SoFi, and an infrastructure development across lending and prime brokerage type services.<\/p>\n\n\north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\north\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\northward","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\due north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\northward\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\northward","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\northward\due north","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:45:16","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\n"}},{"id":1011,"post_id":37592,"title":"Danny Scott, CEO of CoinCorner","content":"

\"Danny<\/p>\due north\north

I feel that 2022 reflects the \"Slope of Enlightenment\"&nbsp;phase of the Hype Bike<\/a>. With the price of Bitcoin up more than 100% since the beginning of the yr, nosotros've seen confidence in the market brainstorm to return with what I believe could be our new bottom. People are condign more savvy to altcoins and their lack of use, as nosotros've seen all of the acme 10 altcoins lose significant value against Bitcoin (except for BNB, which is probable to be equally a result of Binance's heavy push on their coin this year).<\/p>\north\north

My attention has been focused on the Lightning Network developments this year, seeing its get-go major bug handled extremely diligently. Nodes take doubled over the year to nearly v,000, as well every bit exchanges beginning to integrate it into their offerings.<\/p>\due north\n

We're also seeing what I can only describe as our get-go \"Layer 3\" developments, with the proof of concept \"Whatsat<\/a>,\" which is developed to be a decentralized version of WhatsApp built on top of Bitcoin's Lightning Network (Bitcoin Layer i, Lightning Network Layer two, Whatsat Layer 3).<\/p>\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:46:06","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","sort":52,"translations":{"id":1004,"explained_post_id":1011,"title_en":"Danny Scott, CEO of CoinCorner","content_en":"

\"Danny<\/p>\due north\n

I feel that 2022 reflects the \"Gradient of Enlightenment\"&nbsp;phase of the Hype Cycle<\/a>. With the price of Bitcoin upward more 100% since the outset of the year, we've seen confidence in the market place begin to return with what I believe could exist our new bottom. People are becoming more savvy to altcoins and their lack of employ, as we've seen all of the top 10 altcoins lose meaning value against Bitcoin (except for BNB, which is likely to exist every bit a result of Binance's heavy push button on their coin this year).<\/p>\n\due north

My attention has been focused on the Lightning Network developments this year, seeing its first major bug handled extremely diligently. Nodes have doubled over the year to about 5,000, every bit well equally exchanges beginning to integrate it into their offerings.<\/p>\n\n

Nosotros're also seeing what I tin can just describe equally our outset \"Layer three\" developments, with the proof of concept \"Whatsat<\/a>,\" which is developed to be a decentralized version of WhatsApp built on elevation of Bitcoin's Lightning Network (Bitcoin Layer ane, Lightning Network Layer 2, Whatsat Layer 3).<\/p>\north\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\due north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\north\north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:46:06","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\n"}},{"id":1012,"post_id":37592,"championship":"Alexander Zaidelson, CEO of Beam","content":"


I think the yr of 2022 was a twelvemonth of big hopes for wider adoption and some disappointments. The Libra debacle was ane of the big events that, in my view, influenced the market quite a bit. While the reaction of the hardcore crypto customs to Libra was more often than not negative (Libra is not really a cryptocurrency), in that location was hope that bringing 1B people to blockchain-based currency will increase awareness and adoption. Merely this did not piece of work out.<\/p>\n\n

Then, in my mind, the biggest milestone is that crypto made inroads into the mainstream media and awareness, and the setback is that this did not lead to wide adoption (yet).<\/p>\northward\due north

2019 was also a big year for privacy. Mimblewimble-based Beam and Grin made a assuming entry in the start of the yr and have at present become important players in the ecosystem. The success of Mimblewimble protocol spurred involvement from leading projects in the infinite, such every bit Monero\/Tari, Litecoin and others. At that place was also a lot of privacy-related enquiry &mdash; Halo by Zcash, Ben Fisch&rsquo; piece of work on Trustless SNARKs, Lelantus protocol developed by Zcoin and adapted past Beam every bit Lelantus-MW, Aztec and Zether privacy protocols for Ethereum and more. Privacy is becoming a topic of the debate, and the need for privacy is being realized by the customs.<\/p>\n\n\north\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:47:19","updated_at":"2020-01-07 xix:58:06","sort":53,"translations":{"id":1005,"explained_post_id":1012,"title_en":"Alexander Zaidelson, CEO of Beam","content_en":"


I remember the year of 2022 was a year of big hopes for wider adoption and some disappointments. The Libra debacle was one of the large events that, in my view, influenced the market quite a scrap. While the reaction of the hardcore crypto customs to Libra was mostly negative (Libra is not actually a cryptocurrency), in that location was promise that bringing 1B people to blockchain-based currency will increment awareness and adoption. But this did not work out.<\/p>\n\n

So, in my listen, the biggest milestone is that crypto made inroads into the mainstream media and awareness, and the setback is that this did not lead to broad adoption (nonetheless).<\/p>\northward\due north

2019 was as well a big yr for privacy. Mimblewimble-based Axle and Grin fabricated a bold entry in the kickoff of the twelvemonth and have now go important players in the ecosystem. The success of Mimblewimble protocol spurred interest from leading projects in the space, such every bit Monero\/Tari, Litecoin and others. At that place was also a lot of privacy-related enquiry &mdash; Halo past Zcash, Ben Fisch&rsquo; work on Trustless SNARKs, Lelantus protocol developed by Zcoin and adapted by Beam as Lelantus-MW, Aztec and Zether privacy protocols for Ethereum and more. Privacy is condign a topic of the debate, and the need for privacy is existence realized by the customs.<\/p>\n\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-07 19:47:19","updated_at":"2020-01-07 19:58:06","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n"}}],"is_partner_material":false,"commentsSection":{"schemaEntityUrl":"\/\/\/explained\/experts-share-what-are-the-main-crypto-conclusions-of-2019","list":[],"amount":0,"i18n":{"addComment":"Add a comment...","amountOnePostfix":"Comment","amountPostfix":"Comments","cancel":"Cancel","delete":"Delete","edit":"Edit","errorBig":"Comment text cannot be longer than 2000 characters","errorDuplicate":"Duplicate comment","errorSmall":"Comment text must be at least 2 characters long","hideButton":"Hide comments","noComments":" ","commentOnModeration":"Comment on moderation","postComment":"Post","reply":"Reply","showAllComments":"Show All Comments","showButtonPostfix":"comments","showButtonPrefix":"Show","signIn":"Sign in","update":"Update comment","commentWasDeleted":"This comment has been deleted"}},"related":[{"id":80030,"retina":"https:\/\/\/images\/1480_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9jOGY3MDM1ZTNlZTU4NzAyNTIyNzEzMTlmZDAwODNkMC5qcGVn.jpeg","img":"https:\/\/\/images\/740_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9jOGY3MDM1ZTNlZTU4NzAyNTIyNzEzMTlmZDAwODNkMC5qcGVn.jpeg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/370_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9jOGY3MDM1ZTNlZTU4NzAyNTIyNzEzMTlmZDAwODNkMC5qcGVn.jpeg","thumb370":"https:\/\/\/images\/370_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9jOGY3MDM1ZTNlZTU4NzAyNTIyNzEzMTlmZDAwODNkMC5qcGVn.jpeg","amp_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/150_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9jOGY3MDM1ZTNlZTU4NzAyNTIyNzEzMTlmZDAwODNkMC5qcGVn.jpeg","thumb150":"https:\/\/\/images\/150_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9jOGY3MDM1ZTNlZTU4NzAyNTIyNzEzMTlmZDAwODNkMC5qcGVn.jpeg","url":"https:\/\/\/news\/why-crypto-industry-needs-venture-capital-qa-with-veteran-investor","title":"Why crypto industry needs venture capital: Q&A with veteran investor","lead":"With so many crypto projects being launched, founders are now looking beyond "traditional" crypto fundraising options.","leadfull":"","category_id":86,"category_url":"https:\/\/\/category\/interview","category_title":"Interview","author_url":"https:\/\/\/authors\/chris-jones","author_hash":"aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9hdXRob3JzL2NocmlzLWpvbmVz","author_title":"Chris Jones","author_img":"https:\/\/\/assets\/img\/icons\/author_male.jpg","date":"JAN 25, 2022","flash_date":"JAN 25, 2022","sponsored":false,"press_release":false,"sponsored_label":"Sponsored","explained":false,"badge":{"title":"Interview","label":"default"},"published":{"date":"2022-01-25 18:00:00.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Europe\/London"},"stat_uniqs":1423,"rss_date":"Tue, 25 Jan 2022 18:00:00 +0000","publishedW3":"2022-01-25T18:00:00+00:00","show_referral":true,"isMagazine":false},{"id":37855,"retina":"https:\/\/\/images\/1480_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8xMTAyMWVlMzMyMmVhNzExOTYxNGEwNDNmMTk1YWNmZi5qcGc=.jpg","img":"https:\/\/\/images\/740_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8xMTAyMWVlMzMyMmVhNzExOTYxNGEwNDNmMTk1YWNmZi5qcGc=.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/370_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8xMTAyMWVlMzMyMmVhNzExOTYxNGEwNDNmMTk1YWNmZi5qcGc=.jpg","thumb370":"https:\/\/\/images\/370_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8xMTAyMWVlMzMyMmVhNzExOTYxNGEwNDNmMTk1YWNmZi5qcGc=.jpg","amp_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/150_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8xMTAyMWVlMzMyMmVhNzExOTYxNGEwNDNmMTk1YWNmZi5qcGc=.jpg","thumb150":"https:\/\/\/images\/150_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8xMTAyMWVlMzMyMmVhNzExOTYxNGEwNDNmMTk1YWNmZi5qcGc=.jpg","url":"https:\/\/\/explained\/experts-share-what-will-bitcoins-price-look-like-in-2020","title":"Experts Share: What Will Bitcoin's Price Look Like in 2022?","lead":" Experts share their predictions for Bitcoin in 2022. 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Paolo Ardoino, Chief engineering officer of Bitfinex

Paolo Ardoino, Chief technology officer of Bitfinex

A large setback for the industry this year has unfortunately been the scams that continue to take place in crypto, a recent notable example being the PlusToken scandal. In terms of the biggest milestones, it is important to note the continued development of the Lightning Network inside the ecosystem.


Marc P. Bernegger, Fintech investor at Crypto Finance AG

Marc P. Bernegger, Fintech investor at Crypto Broker AG

The crash and rebound of the Bitcoin price, the start of the Libra project by Facebook and the announcement of the digital Chinese currency were some of my highlights in 2022.

Personally, I was of course very pleased that we were able to launch one of the about successful crypto funds in the world at Crypto Finance Group with our Crypto Quant Fund in 2022 (this has already won various operation awards).


Paul Brody, Blockchain lead at Ernst & Young

Paul Brody, Blockchain lead at Ernst &amp; Young

For 2022, this was a year of large transition for EY. The era of proof of concept is largely over and instead people became focused on going to product for their enterprise solutions. The downside here, though, is that they ran straight into the roadblock of partner adoption. Private blockchains are expensive and they don&rsquo;t calibration up very well, when it comes to partner on-boarding. (A report conducted past Forrester on behalf of EY in November 2022 confirmed this). The good news is that by the stop of 2022, I think we had largely solved the cost challenges for doing concern deeply on public blockchains (run across hither) and nosotros await ahead to 2022 to see the migration of enterprise users to the public Ethereum mainnet. The crypto marketplace too felt like it was treading h2o in 2022, with big anticipated changes like Lightning not appearing to have much impact. That being said, what may expect like treading water on the surface conceals an enormous transformation on the applied science side. For all the obsession around tech firms doing things quickly, the reality is large changes can accept a year or more than to menstruum from concept to product to client adoption. At EY, our engineers were very busy in 2022 and this will just continue in 2022.


Virginia Cram-Martos, CEO of Triangularity

Virginia Cram-Martos, CEO of Triangularity

For me, 2022 was the yr &mdash;

  1. That crypto found its fashion onto the &ldquo;height x&rdquo; topics of many politicians and primal bankers.
  2. Of blockchain turbulence in China, which ended on a positive note in late Oct &mdash; but which created waves moving out across the rest of the world.
  3. Of increasing legal constraints which have transformed offerings (ICOs) into an pick simply for those with very well-funded legal and regulatory compliance teams. Still possibly cheaper than initial public offerings (IPOs) &mdash; but the gap is endmost.
  4. That business leaders began to recognize hype every bit being &ldquo;hype&rdquo;; to understand that the benefits from blockchain, while very real, take limits, some of which are linked to the &ldquo;tolerance of change&rdquo; within their ain organizations; and to meet that the implementation of blockchain technology, for instance, for traceability, tin can be complex.
  5. That blockchain developers also began to realize the importance of barriers to implementation created by the complexity of supply chains and organizational civilization.


Changpeng "CZ" Zhao, Founder and CEO of Binance

Chanpeng &ldquo;CZ&rdquo; Zhao, Founder and CEO of Binance

There is a growing corporeality of governments across the earth examining blockchain and cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins, as well as self-regulated and global regulatory standards, which point more than widespread public adoption. I think in 2022 we volition see different experiments tried past many different governments around the globe for adoption, some will piece of work, some may not, merely overall, they will accept a tremendously positive effect for crypto adoption.


Alejandro De La Torre, Vice president at Poolin

Alejandro De La Torre, Vice president at Poolin

2019 was a year of mining. The hashpower steadily increased throughout the year to achieve an all-time high of 100 exahashes, a tape for Bitcoin. The hashpower increased even though the price fluctuated wildly and was surly in general. This shows me that crypto, and more than specifically Bitcoin, is here to stay. The confidence the mining ecosystem showed regardless of the price is an extremely skilful sign for the Bitcoin cryptocurrency industry for future years. It points to the fact that these people mining believe in Bitcoin and its potential. Some other huge impression of 2022 for me was the advent of multiple upgrades to the mining protocol, namely Stratum v1. Go on in mind that Stratum v1 has not been updated for basically the whole entire time puddle mining becomes a thing. The great brains behind Braiins (pun intended) developed and launched Stratum v2. An important pace for further decentralization of the mining process. Additionally, other mining pools similar the one I currently piece of work at, Poolin, are also developing a new mining protocol besides furthering decentralization. Poolin calls it Bitcoin Universal Mining Protocol, or BUMP, for short. Information on our open-source protocol will be released in 2022.


John deVadoss, Head of evolution at Neo

John deVadoss, Head of development at Neo

2019 was the year that kept crypto and blockchain in the headlines of the mainstream media. It was no more a question of what or why &mdash; it became a question of when cryptocurrencies would gain prominence, and potentially pb the way.

3 big milestones happened this year.

In July, Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, gave testimony about the Libra projection earlier the Senate Cyberbanking Committee. For the starting time time, elected officials in the U.S. had an opportunity to understand the implications of cryptocurrencies, and the demand to balance financial innovation in a &ldquo;safe and sound way,&rdquo; as he phrased it.

In October, President Xi Jinping publicly encouraged China to &ldquo;accelerate the evolution of blockchain and industrial innovation.&rdquo; This was a remarkable indicator: a message unlike ane from whatsoever other leader on the global stage and that has since catalyzed an boggling wave of investment and innovation.

And just before this calendar week, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), which serves as the central bank for central banks, initiated dialogue to formulate a crypto asset policy for banks worldwide. The BIS wants to design &ldquo;a prudential treatment for banks' crypto-asset exposures,&rdquo; as they phrased it.

Collectively, these are a sign of the extraordinary times that nosotros live in.


Daniel Diemers, Head of blockchain at PwC

Daniel Diemers, Head of blockchain at PwC

Well, nosotros all witnessed the soft and pleasant increase in temperature after the &ldquo;Crypto Winter,&rdquo; but the Crypto Spring of the terminal 6&ndash;8 months was more of a sideways movement, which I nevertheless think is healthier overall for the ecosystem than if nosotros&rsquo;d gone straight into some other steep price hike. Working as a bridge-architect between the blockchain/crypto world and incumbents and big corporates, what 2022 really stood for is final acceptance that &ldquo;Crypto is Hither to Stay.&rdquo; For most of us, this sounds like an onetime narrative, but in the Board Rooms around the world, it&rsquo;s not. Libra, in its own correct, has helped here too, because seeing a large tech firm at the doorsteps launching such an ambitious blockchain project hammers that message directly home.


Denelle Dixon, CEO of Stellar Development Foundation

Denelle Dixon, CEO of Stellar Development Foundation

I joined the Stellar Evolution Foundation (SDF) in mid-2019, right around the time when we started seeing broader public interest in the blockchain space equally a result of new players in the market, like Facebook and JPMorgan. The archway of these companies helped push button blockchain into the mainstream conversation and build more credibility for the applied science. It was an exciting moment to jump into the infinite and join discussions most the potential for the engineering nosotros&rsquo;re building.&nbsp;&nbsp;

In improver to the institutional interest in cryptocurrencies, the rise popularity of stablecoins continued to grow in 2022 &mdash; and nosotros&rsquo;ve witnessed that firsthand equally new partners built on the Stellar Network. Whether that was Franklin Templeton using Stellar for a new fund or IBM signing on several banks to issue stablecoins on WorldWire this year, we saw this broader tendency playing out in the Stellar ecosystem.

2019 was a big year for our industry as information technology generated increased momentum for blockchain. It was fifty-fifty more than exciting for my arrangement because of the progress we&rsquo;re making at Stellar to create greater admission to the global financial system.


Arthur Hayes, CEO of BitMEX

Arthur Hayes, CEO of BitMEX

Wearisome. Exciting. Boring again. That is how I would describe 2022. Things got heady in the summer when Facebook announced Libra. 2022 was the twelvemonth of the stablecoin. Although many people practise non sympathise that stablecoins are essentially digitized versions of fiat currencies, it is positive that more people are embracing a digital budgetary being. Stablecoins may prove to be the gateway goad into a true cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.


Ivan on Tech, YouTube influencer

Ivan on Tech, YouTube influencer

This has been an amazing year filled with opportunities and a lot has been accomplished in the industry. Bitcoin was an absolute rollercoaster, Facebook announced Libra, China has endorsed blockchain while condemning cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin engineering has evolved with a lot of progress being done on Schnorr signatures, while Ethereum has surprised by the growth of DeFi protocols, such as Chemical compound, Synthetix and Uniswap. The value locked in DeFi DApps has exploded from $190 meg at the offset of 2022 to $628 million today. Insane growth that highlights the importance of this industry.


Sasha Ivanov, Founder and CEO of Waves

Sasha Ivanov, Founder and CEO of Waves

2019 was a formative yr for crypto, twelvemonth of the next leg of the Gartner curve, the beginning of a steady growth. No breakthroughs have been achieved, rather nosotros are laying the foundations for future advancements. I was impressed by a steady growth of enterprise blockchain, finally nosotros tin can encounter a breakthrough in the level of agreement of blockchain concepts in business scenarios.


Christoph Iwaniez, Master financial officeholder of Bitwala

Christoph Iwaniez, Chief financial officer of Bitwala

Information technology's been a groovy twelvemonth! Many projects with smart people and proficient ideas have delivered products and further developments.

At Bitwala, we were of course very focused on our customers: Nearly 12 months ago... with the free banking concern account and debit card for Bitcoin investors, nosotros are virtually at goose egg launched. From Berlin, we now serve customers in all 31 countries of the European Economic Area. The customers are happy and and then are nosotros.

And then are our investors, by the way: In the summer, we made our largest investment to date ($xiii million for a German language blockchain beginning-up). The amount of the funding round and the well-known investors underline that even in a carry market a stiff team, an innovative product and the actual implementation convince investors.


Sanja Kon, Vice president of global partnerships at Utrust

Sanja Kon, Vice president of global partnerships at Utrust

2019 was a remarkable year for blockchain and cryptocurrency evolution. We saw the birth of new trading products: Regulators on both sides of the Atlantic started paying close attention to the benefits of digital assets, and China entered the blockchain race in total strength spending billions in its efforts to become the epicenter of development.

For me, undoubtedly the biggest milestone of 2022 was Libra. A seismic shift occurred beyond the world following the announcement. Libra successfully goaded central banks around the globe to start having a serious conversation virtually the digitization of currencies.

Just it was by no means an like shooting fish in a barrel ride, the prolonged bear marketplace shook the industry. For Utrust, yet, this was a blessing in disguise. We put our heads down and focused on building and improving our technology. We have not just survived but accept thrived always since.


Jonathan Levin, Co-founder and chief strategy officer of Chainalysis

Jonathan Levin, Co-founder and chief security officer of Chainalysis

At the beginning of this year, I predicted iii major themes in cryptocurrency for 2022: Cryptocurrency would be embraced as &ldquo;regtech&rdquo; past financial institutions and regulators, it would play a vital office in sanctions enforcement, and Anti-Coin Laundering practices (AML) would strengthen in Asia.

Every bit information technology turns out, 2022 was an important year for cryptocurrency in terms of regulations, simply more than in terms of clarity provided past the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and FinCEN, than automating banks' compliance programs and regulatory oversight. Notably, for the kickoff time, FinCEN explicitly states blockchain analysis is an important part of an constructive AML solution and a significant factor in cryptocurrency businesses&rsquo; ability to comply with the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). FinCEN makes it clear that Know Your Client (KYC) processes are also important, and cryptocurrency businesses should await tough regulatory scrutiny on that as well side by side year.

We also saw further regulatory clarity from the SEC. For example, the Blockstack Reg A approval was the beginning approval of its kind and demonstrates a path to SEC-approved IPO-type fundraising with a crypto token. While other firms have previously taken advantage of Regulation A , this is the first fourth dimension that investors will receive a token rather than shares in the company.&nbsp;

Now that nosotros have the regulatory clarity, I think 2022 will be an important year for embracing cryptocurrency equally regtech.

Cryptocurrency did indeed continue to become important to sanctions enforcement, virtually notably related to fentanyl trafficking. I expect this tendency to continue.

While our business concern expanded in Asia and Anti-Money Laundering practices there are strengthening, we however see the laundering of large amounts of illicit funds through some OTC brokers operating out of China. Funds stolen through the PlusToken scam is a adept example of this.

One notable milestone that I didn't predict was major law enforcement announcements that credit blockchain analysis as a critical tool in identifying suspects and making arrests. The Section of Justice's announcement of the takedown of Welcome to Video, the largest always child pornography site by amount of material stored, forth with the arrest of its owner and operator and more than 337 site users across 38 countries forth with the identification and rescue of 23 minors, was a major event for the industry. Law enforcement discussed how they were able to harness blockchain assay to make arrests and rescues that otherwise would not have been possible. This was an important case of how blockchains tin actually provide greater transparency into financial transactions, non less.

2019 also saw the entrance of major players into the cryptocurrency ecosystem, particularly Facebook and Allegiance. With Libra, Facebook has the opportunity to make cryptocurrency available to their massive user base, leading to its more pervasive use. Of course, this has the potential to create fiscal inclusion for both good and bad actors, and the risk of money laundering volition need to be mitigated. Transaction monitoring volition be needed to meet the expectations of regulators around the world. And Fidelity&rsquo;south launch into custody and trading services for digital assets is also a boon for the industry and will pave the way for further adoption from financial institutions.

Finally, CME Bitcoin futures was an exciting development and I expect information technology to go along to choice up.


Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Celsius

Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Celsius

2019 was a turbulent year, to say the least. I call up all of us in the crypto community were hoping to reach new heights equally far as mass adoption, but we but didn't get there yet. We are nonetheless a relatively minor group of crypto nerds, but I&rsquo;thousand hoping 2022 is the year that changes that. Without a doubt, Facebook&rsquo;due south Libra had the biggest bear on on awareness for cryptocurrencies. Our friends in China appear they were getting into digital currencies and that woke up a few U.S. Senators to start having of import conversations about our ain digital currencies. By the time the U.Due south. authorities gets there, information technology will be too belatedly.&nbsp;&nbsp;


Samson Mow, Primary strategy officer of Blockstream

Samson Mow, Chief strategy officer of Blockstream

For 2022, we had a great year at Blockstream. Nosotros launched Blockstream Mining and are now one of the largest players in North America now with 300 MW of capacity. Nosotros likewise announced a new production, Liquid Securities, which is a platform that sits on tiptop of the Liquid Network (Bitcoin sidechain) to allow companies to event tokenized securities. We&rsquo;re besides seeing a lot of traction with the Liquid Network itself as Tether ($4 billion market place cap stablecoin) launched support of it, and BTSE (cryptocurrency exchange) announced they will exist raising $50 1000000 through an exchange token issued on Liquid.


Niklas Nikolajsen, Chairman & Founder at Bitcoin Suisse

Niklas Nikolajsen, Chairman and co-CEO at BitcoinsSuisse

2019 was a yr of consolidation and of developments in regulation, but as well of commercial and technical progress. Bitcoin stabilized from the terminate-2017 hype, and regulators and banks all over the world started taking the topic of crypto assets seriously. Large news included, of course, Libra, ChinaCoin and the development of regulatory frameworks in the EU, Liechtenstein, Germany and other jurisdictions. On the commercial side, the launch of the commencement futures, ETP and developments of ETP products for Bitcoin and Ethereum, and on both the commercial and technical side, the development and growth of the DeFi services and the development of Ethereum two.0.


Phillip Sandner, Head of Frankfurt School Blockchain Center

Phillip Sandner, Head of Frankfurt School Blockchain Center

Blockchain means "crypto assets" on the one manus and "DLT" on the other &mdash; i.e., applications from the pure corporate context. In the surface area of "crypto assets," ane can encounter how Bitcoin and Ethereum, in particular, take adult very positively on the basis of various metrics &mdash; but non in terms of price. In "DLT," i can see that one after the other, companies are now getting enthusiastic about blockchain technology. Industrial companies, banks, etc. &mdash; with some delay fifty-fifty the middle grade.


Robert Schwertner, Influencer

Robert Schwertner, Influencer

The situation of the crypto industry in 2022: The air is out! The Party Is Over. The magical attraction of cryptocurrencies is finally lost in 2022. In previous years, blockchain showtime-ups issued their own cryptocurrencies and collected fabulous sums from many stupid people, some of whom phone call themselves investors. Driven by greed and hope for quick wealth, blockchain companies threw money down their throats. However, they forgot the most of import economic rule: Every good business needs a coherent business model. That was missing from 99% of the blockchain companies. Past 2022, disillusionment was spreading and investors were getting smarter. The process was painful but definitely beneficial. What we are seeing now are great new projects of high quality.

Probably the about important hit in 2022 was Mark Zuckerberg's cryptocurrency project Libra, and it did then several times: The foundation was established in Switzerland. Mastercard, Visa, Paypal lath as partners. Central banks castigate Libra as a "danger to the financial organisation." Politicians denounce Facebook every bit a data killer. In October, the flop exploded: Visa, Mastercard and Paypal got cold feet, they leave the project. Libra's merit is certainly that now finally western fundamental banks are waking up and thinking about their own digital currency projects. And this is admittedly necessary for the survival of the western market place economy because there is already a lot of activity in the East: I was impressed by the targeted utilise of blockchain engineering science by China. The Chinese are non but talking and complaining. They are implementing: The Chinese authorities is already testing a digital yuan/renminbi with over 500,000 companies in the ii industrial cities of Shenzhen and Suzhou from 2022. The aim is to simplify the sending of invoices, make firsthand payments, and besides improve the payment of salaries and social security. The tax organisation will be considerably simplified. If the U.s.a. and Europe practise non quickly promote innovation and create improved framework atmospheric condition, we will lose this competition and volition accept to implement Chinese standards later.


Lex Sokolin, Co-head of global fintech at ConsenSys

Lex Sokolin, Co-head of global fintech at ConsenSys

2019 has been a year of progress for blockchain, cryptocurrencies and digital assets. There has been significant advancement led by both decentralized communities and centralized institutions.

First, decentralized finance is beginning to take root globally. DeFi protocols now enable savings and lending, exchange and trading, and synthetic structured products. We count over 200 stablecoin projects, near of which run on Ethereum. Over $500 1000000 is currently locked in DeFi, powering a diverseness of capital markets applications.

More than traditional avails from real estate to art, securities to bonds, are now transacted using tokenized fiscal instruments over public and private open-source blockchains. The market place share for DeFi has only just begun.

Institutions, whether enterprise or even government bodies, have clearly signaled their interest. Early on in the twelvemonth, JPMorgan announced their JPM Coin for better interbank settlement. This was followed by Facebook&rsquo;south announcement of Libra, which accelerated developments from the Chinese and U.S. governments.

ConsenSys released Codefi (Commerce and Decentralized Finance) in September this year as the first full product suite of fintech tools to help companies and organizations with their blockchain and digitalization journey. For example, we helped Mata Capital letter tokenize a single real estate fund asset, backed past buying of a building in Paris, for an investment sum of 26 one thousand thousand euros.


Ulli Spankowski, Chief digital officeholder at Boerse Stuttgart

Ulli Spankowski, Chief digital officer at Boerse Stuttgart

In my view, the crypto and digital asset manufacture 2022 adult very positively. We welcome the progressive acceptance on the retail and institutional side, as well as regulatory further development of the crypto manufacture. The blockchain strategy of High german Federal government, the announcement of Libra and the cosmos of the first regulated trading center for digital assets in Germany with the Boerse Stuttgart Digital Exchange are just a few highlights that signal to one positive evolution of this heady future technology around blockchain and DLT. However, the aspect of security in the custody of cryptocurrencies has made unfortunately negative headlines in 2022 over again and volition continue to occupy the industry in the future. But I meet here a professionalization of the crypto industry &mdash; with emerging insurance solutions and new security concepts.


Alexandra Tinsman, NEM Foundation President

Alexandra Tinsman, NEM Foundation President

In 2022, the crypto community bore witness to the ascent of stablecoins &mdash; a necessary evolution for the industry that indicated a motion toward KYC and regulation of exchanges, an essential requirement for mainstream adoption among traditional investors. I was too happy to see the progress in blockchain-based securities trading, from both a tech and regulatory perspective. The stage is being set up for a popular blockchain use case, and I&rsquo;thou excited that NEM Catapult has some special tech advantages hither.


John Todaro, Director of TradeBlock

John Todaro, Director of TradeBlock

2019 was very much characterized past U.S. political involvement in digital currencies. For the outset fourth dimension, President Trump tweeted about Bitcoin, Secretary Mnuchin held a briefing discussing digital currencies, and there were diverse well-attended hearings in Washington around the space. While nosotros had seen U.Due south. regulators get involved in the space in previous years, this was the first yr that we saw an all-encompassing involvement from politicians and lawmakers, including a sitting U.Due south. president. Some of the biggest milestones we saw this year was proof-of-stake networks coming online, with a rise in staking of tokens to capture an annual yield on invested assets, progress in the Lightning Network, growth of decentralized financial services as evident past the number of loans originated/and Ether locked across these platforms, equally well as the launch of Bakkt's production offerings and others to permit for greater institutional interest in the space. Some of the bigger setbacks of 2022 was the response of some U.Southward. lawmakers around Libra as they push to delay or end the projection, China's recent harsher stance on digital currency trading, and the exit of exchanges from U.S. markets, including Poloniex and Binance.&nbsp;


Erik Voorhees, CEO of Shapeshift

Erik Voorhees, CEO of Shapeshift

2019 was pretty clearly a year of consolidation after the behave-market misery year of 2022. The biggest event of the twelvemonth has to exist the formal proclamation of Facebook&rsquo;south Libra, due to the shockwaves information technology sent across the world. If governments and banks weren&rsquo;t paying attending to this technology before, they certain as hell are now. Amazingly, Libra has taken much of the antagonism away from Bitcoin.

Beyond Libra, the big story is the DeFi phenomenon: stablecoins and interest-bearing accounts that are significantly decentralized. In a globe of increasingly negative interest rates, DeFi is a vivid spot, bringing borrowers and lenders together, regardless of their jurisdiction, and without the interest of any banking concern or regime. DeFi is nonetheless early on and full of risks, just it is a beautiful thing to watch.

Whale Alert

In 2022, we again saw some very high volatility with Bitcoin prices ranging between $3K and $13K. While this made for some notable headlines and neat trading opportunities, cost swings like these have a spooky effect on adoption and I hope to see more stability in 2022.

A big setback for crypto in general were the many successful hacks attacks aimed at exchanges. Information technology was disappointing to see that at least in a few cases the impact of these hacks could have been lessened or even prevented by adoption of better security models. However, what was really important was that some of these hacked parties, like Binance, managed to blot the losses and connected to operate normally. No one will always be completely allowed to hacks, but demonstrating that beingness hacked won't necessarily impact customer funds was a huge win for crypto.

All things considered, I think that 2022 was a great year that brought us an increase in adoption with more people using cryptocurrencies and more than companies offering payment options through crypto, but too some great applications from the fintech manufacture, similar the showtime bond settlement on blockchain.


Sebastian Borget, Co-founder and chief operations officer at The Sandbox

Sebastian Borget, Co-founder and chief operations officer at The Sandbox

The growth of DeFi and Blockchain Gaming have made the biggest impression on me. I think 2022 has been a very adept yr overall for the manufacture to focus on building products, communities and adoptions and find an actual market for their products. The quality of projects overall has risen, which we are very happy to see.


Benedikt Bünz, Co-founder of Findora

Benedikt B&uuml;nz, Co-founder of Findora

I think there is a lot of development happening under the hood and a lot of heady technological progress has happened. Additionally, big actors similar Facebook and the Chinese government have appear that they are very interested in the place and are edifice new projects. This is very exciting, equally it shows that the place is getting more and more than professional. Unfortunately in terms of adoption, this year wasn&rsquo;t the breakthrough that people had hoped for. We still need to improve usability such that more and more people tin finer use cryptocurrencies


David Chaum, Founder of Elixxir

David Chaum, Founder of Elixxir

The biggest development in 2022 is the growing public sensation of the vital office that privacy plays in our digital lives, and how poorly the big consumer networks preserve and protect our privacy. This public focus on privacy is a tremendous opportunity for the blockchain community to appeal to these users, provided that we can offer solutions that satisfy their needs.

As well, Google announced a breakthrough in the development of breakthrough computing, which raises the bar for cryptographic protocols that take been used for blockchains and cryptocurrencies. In that location is now a real challenge to the community to deliver breakthrough secure decentralized platforms and currencies to avoid control of these platforms by private and government entities with quantum calculating capabilities.


Adam Ficsor, CEO of Wasabi Wallet

Adam Ficsor, CEO of Wasabi Wallet

I believe the raise and stabilization work on the Lightning Network and Wasabi wallet are the almost important milestones, where the offset is advancing Bitcoin's portability and fungibility, while the latter is advancing its fungibility. Too note, I may exist slightly biased on the latter:)


Joshua Frank, CEO of The TIE

Joshua Frank, CEO of The TIE

2019 was a mixed bag for digital assets. On the 1 hand, we have seen tremendous technological developments in terms of infrastructure for traditional institutions looking to trade digital assets. We have seen improvements in custody, execution, information and more. However, 2022 can be characterized past a abrupt decline in retail interest and disappointing institutional involvement.&nbsp;

The biggest milestones were the launch of Bakkt and Allegiance Digital Assets. The biggest setback has been regulatory doubt in the Usa. While China&rsquo;s anti-crypto opinion was a cyberspace-negative for the industry, it was non surprising.

I take been very impressed past a few developments within the space. The first is Bitwise Asset Direction&rsquo;due south focus on attracting registered investment advisors and family offices to classify to digital assets. I am also excited about the developments being fabricated that enable institutional investors to merchandise out of cold storage.


Mati Greenspan, Founder of Quantum Economics

Mati Greenspan, Founder of Quantum Economics

Overall, 2022 was a very positive year for Bitcoin and crypto. The biggest milestone by far was the declaration from Chinese President Xi Jinping that he would like to encounter Red china embracing blockchain technology. This is clearly a watershed moment for this growing manufacture.


John Jefferies, CFA at CipherTrace

John Jefferies, CFA at CipherTrace

2019 was the year that the crypto industry was told to grow up past regulators around the world. Travel Rule enforcement is simultaneously the biggest milestone and the biggest setback for crypto. Information technology has and will go on to force a level of maturity that will enable the manufacture to grow into an institutionally accustomed asset class that is adopted by the masses for payments. It as well presents an existential threat for many exchanges and poses potential privacy issues for users. The Travel Rule compliance operations will exist costly even with open-source software like Trisa.


Tal Kol, Co-founder of Orbs

Tal Kol, Co-founder of Orbs

The big surprise of 2022 was the potency of enterprise blockchain solutions. While many 2022&ndash;2018 startups took a chirapsia this twelvemonth, there was a steady interest in blockchain engineering science from the enterprise sector, which has traditionally led much of the experimentation of emerging technologies due to its vast resource and achieve. The biggest evolution, however, is the growing realization past corporations that the real value driving innovation is in public, permissionless blockchain and non in private DLTS. Whether its EY developing exclusively on Ethereum mainnet or the many post-private POCs looking for a public implementation for their employ-case, I believe these milestones will brand 2022, seen in hindsight, every bit the year where existing businesses congenital the foundation for mass adoption of blockchain technology.


Evan Luthra, Serial tech entrepreneur, founder of and

2019 was full of significant events for the crypto industry: the launch of institutional giants Bakkt and Fidelity Digital Assets, the blast of STO, IEO and DeFi, the next, albeit not prolonged, Bitcoin rally. However, there were unpleasant moments. Numerous scams and the closure of a big number of exchanges. For example, in India, under the force per unit area of regulators and the refusal of banking services, Koinex, the country's largest Bitcoin exchange, has closed. This was preceded by the liquidation of the Coindelta trading platform for the same reasons.

I was impressed past the prospects of a brand-new trend &mdash; staking. And I retrieve that 2022 will show that the possibilities of cryptocurrency are much greater than information technology is considered. And digital money, which allows you to receive passive income, can become #1 in the blockchain industry very soon.


Diogo Monica, Co-founder and president of Anchorage

Diogo Monica, Co-founder and president of Anchorage

2019 was a year of infrastructure-building &mdash; from new custodial technologies and decentralized protocols to innovative payments capabilities, like Lightning Network, engineers have been working hard to develop the necessary plumbing for the emerging digital asset fiscal system. 2022 was also a twelvemonth of mainstream validation with Facebook, JPMorgan, Fidelity, Telegram and other corporations piloting or actively building blockchain projects. Institutional interest heralds a vivid future for the entire crypto sector, and we expect to run across more than institutions entering the infinite in 2022.


Kim Nilsson, Blockchain researcher at WizSec

Kim Nilsson, Blockchain researcher at WizSec

Nosotros're wrapping up one more year that Bitcoin'south been effectually, despite standing predictions of its imminent demise. The post-2017 carry market still drags on, but I'm not thinking about price besides much; correct now, Bitcoin just needs to be valued high enough to pay for its ain security while the next generation of improvements, like Lightning Network, are being developed. Information technology'due south been a rough year for altcoins though, whose value seems to be much more speculative.

If anything, the fact that Bitcoin is enduring such setbacks rather than collapsing seems to have further raised mainstream awareness that information technology'south hither to stay and not just a bubble. There's been increasing attending and recognition from politicians and other public figures, and mega-companies, like Facebook, are starting to make plays for this new market.


Zac Prince, CEO of BlockFi

Zac Prince, CEO of BlockFi

Crypto had a great twelvemonth in 2022 and accomplished a key objective or rebounding from the lows afterwards the large drawdown coming from the rapid rise at the end of 2022. The annual functioning of Bitcoin in 2022 will likely exist better than most other assets, which is very positive for the sector.

Central milestones included the launch of Bakkt, Allegiance&rsquo;southward custody platform, growing adoption/accessibility from traditional fintech companies, like Square, Robinhood and SoFi, and an infrastructure development beyond lending and prime brokerage blazon services.


Danny Scott, CEO of CoinCorner

Danny Scott, CEO of CoinCorner

I experience that 2022 reflects the "Slope of Enlightenment"&nbsp;phase of the Hype Cycle. With the cost of Bitcoin up more than 100% since the showtime of the year, we've seen confidence in the market begin to render with what I believe could be our new bottom. People are condign more than savvy to altcoins and their lack of use, equally we've seen all of the top 10 altcoins lose pregnant value against Bitcoin (except for BNB, which is likely to be every bit a issue of Binance's heavy push button on their money this twelvemonth).

My attending has been focused on the Lightning Network developments this year, seeing its first major problems handled extremely diligently. Nodes accept doubled over the year to nearly 5,000, too as exchanges beginning to integrate it into their offerings.

We're as well seeing what I tin only describe as our first "Layer three" developments, with the proof of concept "Whatsat," which is developed to exist a decentralized version of WhatsApp congenital on top of Bitcoin's Lightning Network (Bitcoin Layer i, Lightning Network Layer 2, Whatsat Layer 3).


Alexander Zaidelson, CEO of Beam

Alexander Zaidelson, CEO of Beam

I call back the yr of 2022 was a yr of big hopes for wider adoption and some disappointments. The Libra debacle was one of the big events that, in my view, influenced the market quite a bit. While the reaction of the hardcore crypto community to Libra was mostly negative (Libra is not really a cryptocurrency), there was hope that bringing 1B people to blockchain-based currency will increment sensation and adoption. But this did not piece of work out.

So, in my mind, the biggest milestone is that crypto made inroads into the mainstream media and sensation, and the setback is that this did non pb to broad adoption (yet).

2019 was also a big year for privacy. Mimblewimble-based Axle and Grin fabricated a bold entry in the get-go of the yr and have at present become important players in the ecosystem. The success of Mimblewimble protocol spurred interest from leading projects in the space, such equally Monero/Tari, Litecoin and others. In that location was likewise a lot of privacy-related research &mdash; Halo by Zcash, Ben Fisch&rsquo; work on Trustless SNARKs, Lelantus protocol developed by Zcoin and adapted by Beam equally Lelantus-MW, Aztec and Zether privacy protocols for Ethereum and more. Privacy is becoming a topic of the debate, and the demand for privacy is being realized by the community.


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